2015-07-15 Day 17: Riding Like The Wind, Hebgen Lake to Virginia City, MT

Post date: Jul 16, 2015 1:44:07 AM

Miles Today: 67 Miles Total: 880

There is some cosmic rule related to the North Star, the rotation of the earth, and the phase of the moon which clearly states the we should never have a tail wind. Well somewhere along the line, something got out of wack because today when we left our floating cottage, we noted from the first pedal turn that the wind was in our favor. After following a lead from a fellow biker that there were great breakfasts at a cafe just down the road, we headed west. Oh, what a ride! We rode slightly downhill over 50 miles with the wind pushing us along at speeds greater than 20 mph. Sweet!

We dodged an afternoon thunder cell and finished with a climb over a pass. We are camping in Virginia city tonight. We met Mike and Kay at the campground. This is a couple who also break the cosmic laws of the universe. They are "fisherpeople" and they actually catch fish. I know. You are wondering how is that possible. Every year they come from their home in far north Michigan to fish for 2 weeks in Montana and Wyoming. Mike says the secret to catching fish is to head to Wyoming because no one ever goes there to fish. I hope I did not give his secret away.

Tomorrow will be a great day because tomorrow Teresa is coming with my mother in law, Marion, to meet us in Dillion, MT. In our 29 years of marriage, this is the longest stretch that we have ever been apart. I miss her.