2014-07-16: Day 21 1000 Miles!, Utica to Marion, KY

Post date: Jul 17, 2014 12:24:17 AM

Mileage Today: 61 Total Miles: 1038

As the title implies, we had a milestone today. We have turned the wheels for more than 1000 miles since we pulled away from Yorktown, VA. I've been there for every county, valley, mountain, and pedal turn. But it is still bit hard for me to comprehend. However, the numbers don't lie; 1000 miles in 19 riding days. I know some of you are doing the math. Let me save you the time. That's 54.6 miles per day.

We stopped 12 miles short of the Illinois state line today. Early tomorrow we will cross the Ohio River on a ferry and begin our 3rd state. The terrain has flatten out significantly over the past couple of days. There are still some hills occasionally but no real climbs. The next real climbs will be in the Missouri Ozarks about six days from now.

Based on this ride, it appears that everyone is growing corn. Every field is corn, corn, corn. I would say about 65% of the crops are corn, perhaps 30% is soybeans, and the rest a mix. I expected a lot of tobacco but have learned there is very little tobacco still grown in Virginia and Kentucky. One of the reasons is that farmers are being paid not to grow tobacco. I am not kidding here. They are paid to not do something. Weird concept.

Tonight we are staying on the 3rd floor of the United Methodist Church in Marion, KY. This is yet another congregation that welcomes TransAmerican Riders. Showers, a full kitchen. bathrooms, and electricity. These are wonderful things. All they ask is that we sign their riders' log. Again we are alone here tonight sleeping inside the church. The folks in this part of the country are very trusting of the cyclists.