Day 19; Mon. 7/14, The Times They Are A Changin'

Post date: Jul 15, 2014 12:57:20 AM

We are now on central time, having crossed into western Kentucky but more than that; we see new stores and dilapidated buildings. One of the agreements made for our trip was to try and eat a sit-down lunch, in a local eatery. We wanted to avoid the fast-food places and soak in local flavors through our palette and our being. Today that happened. Our first attempt at lunch was the "Bucksnort Cafe." Instead of food we sampled conversation with 3 locals who told us of population changes, the mayors shortcomings and a nearby cafe. This place was a rectangular cinder-block building, with minimal outside lighting and also served as an appliance repair center. Just down the street I sampled bean soup and cornbread, both quite tasty. See Teresa's blog for even more details. The last few days it seems we've seen fewer riders but today at the same cafe we talked with two from London who are going west to east and later in the day a gentleman about our age from San Diego, who started in San Francisco and is heading east with a riding partner. He was quite colorful wearing no shirt, no helmet and a big grin. It is legal to smoke inside restaurants in KY, something I'd like to see "a changin'" and there is really no recycling to speak of. Part of the cycling adventure is experiencing our own country; today we did that.