2014-07-04 Day 9 The Highest Pass in Virginia, 28 Miles from No Where to Damascus

Post date: Jul 5, 2014 1:28:03 AM

Mileage Today: 35 Total Mileage: 466

We opted to get on the bikes today to get the miles in that we could not yesterday due to mechanic issues. We rode over the TransAmerica’s highest elevation pass in Virginia at 3752 feet above sea level in the southern Virginia mountains (pictured below). Cool temperatures and the fact that it was the beginning of the day made the climb seem easy. Then it was a nice descent through a heavily wooded and narrow canyon next to tumbling rocky stream into Damascus. We are now just a few miles from the southern border of Virginia. We stopped early to take in the 4th of July Blues Festival at Marion, VA.

Today, we had one of those spontaneous events that occur on these long rides. Seven cross country bikers (2 going east and 5 going west) all met at the same point along the road on the mountain pass. We had Tor and Victor from San Diego riding to Yorktown, VA, Mike from Pittsburg riding to San Francisco, Jerry and Natalie from Long Island, NY riding from Yorktown, VA to Astoria OR, and of course us. We met Jerry and Natalie yesterday on the road while working on a chain. We had seen a ride log signed by Mike in Daper, VA two days ago so we knew he was in the area going west. It happened that we all met, swapped some stories, some advice about the route, and information about hostile dogs. Then we posted for a group shot. Pretty cool! Jon took this one so he is not pictured.