2014-06-26, Day 1 First Full Day of Riding Jamestown to Mechanicsville

Post date: Jun 27, 2014 1:34:23 AM

Today's Mileage: 60 Total Mileage: 83

The focus of today's ride was Civil War Battlefields. We rode by and even through many battlefields associated with the 7 Days Battle and many more within the Battle for Richmond. Both of these major engagements spanned many days of fighting over a wide area. While the weapons on both sides were primative and not very accurate, the fighting in the Civil War was extremely lethal. In close approximation to each major battle, is a cemetery. This one is for the Battle of Cold Creek.

We are camping tonight just north of Richmond, VA. Another milestone goal was reached today. Teresa saw her first fireflies tonight. When I was a kid in St. Louis, I remember catching as many of these an possible in a jar and carrying the jar around like a lantern.