July 16, 2014 - Marion, KY

Post date: Jul 17, 2014 12:57:35 AM

I am in Marion, KY, population 3,196. The guys will meet me here and we will decide what to do with the rest of the day. Doug would really like to move on out of Kentucky, but that might be too much for 1 day. This is our 2nd Marion of the trip. We spent the 4th of July in Marion, VA. My mom is Marion, so that’s kind of fun. There is a Forest Grove Rd. not far from Marion, KY.

We stopped for lunch in Dixon, KY today, population 786. I was checking out the town and found a little shop to get my hair cut. The lady was very sweet. The shop has patriotic decorations and framed picture displays of people who have served in the military going back to WWII era. She said the shop has been featured in 3 different newspapers for their displays. She let me take a picture of her in front of one of the displays. I forgot to ask her name or tell her my name, but I gave her one of Doug’s blog cards, so if you are reading this, leave a comment on the website with your first name, or whole name if you want! (or email if it is easier – hillhops@gmail.com) Thanks for the great hair cut and visit! -(Teresa)

We might be camping at Cave In Rock tonight, right near the border with Illinois. Evidently we have to take a ferry to get there, or swim. I think I will take the ferry, but Doug and Jon might want to practice the swim for the Iron Man they plan to do after they finish this cross country trip.

In exchange for driving 2 sweaty men across the United States, I get a dog! We had to put our 12 year old Brittany- Beau, down in January of 2010, so I’m ready for a little lap dog. I’m going to name it after one of the towns we go through. Some ideas so far: Melvin, KY, Emmalina, KY, Eddyville, KY, Mackville, KY, Lexington, VA, Bumpass, VA. Doug likes the last one the best.