Days 38-40; Sat.-Tue., 8/2-8/4, Completed!

Post date: Aug 16, 2014 5:37:40 PM

It's now Aug. 16th and we finished our ride 12 days ago. How do I feel? Good! There is great satisfaction in completing a big task. I've used that energy to help me finish some long postponed house projects such as cleaning the gutters and mending the fence. Here are a few numbers: raised about $5,000 for OHSU Parkinson's research, rode 2206 miles, gained about 101,328 ft elevation, lost 15 pounds. Here's a link to a 16 minute movie of images from the trip. What it doesn't show are the faces of many interesting people we met along the way. Experiencing the cultural differences of our country was probably the most profound part of the ride for me. We are alike and yet different. Now what will my next adventure be? Thanks for reading.