Day -1; Windshields & Tailwinds

Post date: Jun 24, 2014 7:56:00 PM

Cars, protect their rider behind windshields but not so in the cycling world. About 10 miles from Leesburg, VA a bee slammed into my lip, deperately tried to hang on by inserting its stinger only to be swiped away by my gloved hand. Fortunately it only resulted in a bit of discomfort and a story to tell. The good of yesterday was how I've gained a new appeciation for tailwinds. The extra boost helped me along my training ride of the Washington & Old Dominion Trail. It's a fantastic multi-use trail that runs for over 50 miles. Pedaling up Leesburg helped me put on a few miles in the warmth & humidity which I'll be facing for the next few weeks. To top it off, had a great visit with the Rexroad family. Today I pedaled back to Arlington and am just catching up. Below are two images of the W & OD trail. Tomorrow we begin; day 0.

Day -3; test riding in D.C.

Day -2; Espresso near Reagan Airport

Day -1; Washington & Old Dominion Trail

Day -1; Lucky Quarry Overlook on W&OD