2015-07-28 Day 30: Eastern Oregon, John Day to Mitchell, OR

Post date: Jul 29, 2015 12:33:47 AM

Miles today: 68. Total Miles: 1696

I am really glad for this route as it has allowed me to see a section of Oregon that even after 33 years, I had never seen. It's wild and rugged out here in far eastern Oregon. The small towns especially Prairie City and Dayville are charming and the mountains are beautiful. Just this afternoon after nearly 3 days in Oregon, we reached an area of the state that I have seen before.

We are now 238 miles from the ocean. That will be 4 days of riding. So, it looks like a finish on Saturday, August 1st assuming we don't get sick or have some major mechanical issue. Jon and I plan on trying to get to Florence by about 1:00 in the afternoon. That time is tentative but we are pretty sure about a Saturday finish. We will know more about the exact time and the exact beach in the next couple of days.

Today was my 55th birthday. We rode with and had dinner with Johannes (Switzerland) and Tom and Eva (The Netherlands). So, I got an international Happy Birthday sung to me tonight.