July 1, 2014 - Christiansburg, VA

Post date: Jul 1, 2014 9:58:47 PM

The other errand I had yesterday was to go to the Lexington, VA post office and pick up a care package. Doug is raising money for the OHSU Parkinson’s Center of Oregon. So the Parkinson’s Center sent a package for Doug and Jon. They had fun opening it while we ate a picnic lunch under a tree in the staff/faculty parking lot of Washington and Lee University.

We camped at Middle Creek Campground near Arcadia, VA. Very nice spot near a little creek. We watched lots of lightening bugs fly around. I had never seen them before this trip. Another first- I pumped my own gas with no supervision! You know you are a true Oregonian when you haven’t had to do that. Even on a college trip to CA with my daughter a few years ago, a guy at the next pump helped me.

Latest Love Rock drop sites:

#9 Inns of Virginia – Arlington, VA

#10 Jamestown Settlement – Jamestown, VA

#11 Americamp ground, near Richmond, VA

#12 Monticello – Thomas Jefferson’s house – Charlottsville, VA

#13 Royal Oaks Cabins – Love, VA – middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains

#14 Middle Creek Campground – Arcadia, VA – near


6:00pm - Just arrived at Christainsburg, not far from Blacksburg.

Today, we finished following the 1st 'map' of the trip. This map #12 has 12 panels that are each about 25 miles of detail that Doug purchased from the Adventure Cycling Association. So I said, every time we finish a map we should go out for a BEER (and dinner) and not cook that rice-a-roni stuff. So we are going out to a highly recommended BBQ place. The part of that that made D & J laugh is that I don't drink. The other quote for the day was when I said I feel like a hobo. Every day I carry 3 bags and my tooth brush into the first McDonalds I find on the morning route. Although, my task in the next couple days is to find a place to rotate my car tires. The closest location of American Tire Pros (where we purchased this last set) is in Princeton, West Virginia or Knoxville TN. I'm not sure I want to drive way out of my way to get a free tire rotation, but maybe I will. Our route takes us about 30 miles from Princeton.