2015-07-06 Day 8: Wyoming!, Walden, CO to Saratoga, WY

Post date: Jul 7, 2015 9:40:03 PM

Miles Today: 72 Miles Total: 367

We said goodbye to Colorado this morning. So, we have left behind the Colorado Rockies and are now crossing the high sage brush plains that define most of Wyoming.

Here are the things that I will remember about Colorado:

    1. The climb from Canon City to Guffey.
    2. The generosity of Bill in Guffey.
    3. The exhilaration of reaching Hoosier Pass.
    4. The wildlife. We saw prairie dogs, deer, white Pelicans, a bald eagle, antelope, and a moose.
    5. Stan and BetteLou at the Hoover RoundUp Motel.

As noted above, we did see a moose on our way out of Walden. He was right there in the willows of the

Michigan River just outside of town as we rode to the north. We experienced our first real rain for about 30 minutes today but held on to our mantra - just keep pedaling. The day ended up beautiful. Tonight we are camped at the Lake just outside of Saratoga, WY.