2015-07-23 Day 25: Salmon River, White Bird to New Meadow, ID

Post date: Jul 23, 2015 11:39:05 PM

Miles Today: 63. Total Miles: 1378

I have had a very difficult time the past four days posting these Blogs. I am posting today's Blog and posting the pics for the past 3 days. So, look back if you want to see those pics. I especially like the picture of Jon with the mountain back drop that was taken half way down White Bird Hill.

We rode along 27 miles of the Salmon River this morning as far as Riggins. Lots of rafting going on. The Salmon cuts through a deep canyon throughout much of Idaho and we rode up into that canyon. I knew we would pay for all the scenery because when you are at river level at the bottom of a deep canyon, there is very little chance you will be going downhill. We would ultimately need to climb out of the canyon which we did over a 37 mile gradual slope that finally crested just a few miles out of New Meadow.

It was a tough day mentally and physically. The physical part is mostly just a matter of not eating enough. We got into White Bird last night late about 6:30 after a long day on the bikes. The grocery store was closed. We had some food on the bikes but ended up eating a light dinner and a light breakfast. It was not enough fuel for my body and I ran out of go juice about 40 miles into today's ride. Went to the grocery store this afternoon and had a huge dinner. I will be carrying more food on the bikes moving forward.

On the mental part, I am missing my wife and the new home that we just bought prior to this trip. This has been a great trip so far but as we get closer to Oregon, thoughts of home are getting stronger.