2014-07-28: Day 33 Kansas Shows a Mean Streak, Coyville to Cassoday, KS

Post date: Jul 29, 2014 1:22:30 AM

Mileage Today: 68 Total Mileage: 1706

Yesterday, we burned through a lot of miles. Perhaps my confidence was up. Today, Kansas handed us some hard miles. Got an early start again (7:30) hoping to avoid the winds. That worked splendidly for the first 30 miles. After that we actually did some climbing through hills here in Kansas (1900 feet today) with a stiff wind pushing on our right sides. Then the final 17 miles we turned and rode straight into the wind tunnel. That wind felt like a personal assault. Just to challenge us a bit more, the Kansas road department opted to put down a layer of oil and crushed rock in the past week, so we rode 13 miles of that today into the wind.

The terrain is slowing transitioning into a treeless prairie. The trees getting thinner and smaller with each passing mile. In fact here is a picture of Jon passing the last tree in Kansas (not really but you get the idea.)

We did have sections of the ride today with no trees at all. I enjoy this terrain because it is so different that anything we ever see in Oregon (or anywhere else on this ride). Remember if you want to see a larger version of a pic, click on the pic. I am crossing the prairie below.

We finished the day at Cassoday, the self proclaimed "Prairie Chicken Capital of the World". Decided not to camp in the city park so we are in a hotel in nearby El Dorado, KS. That's right the city of gold. The GPS brought us straight here. I don't know what Coronado's problem was. I will bring some chunks home with me.