July 15,2014 - McDaniels - Utica, KY

Post date: Jul 16, 2014 1:01:48 AM

We drove10 miles off the route to Leitchfield, KY for the night. There was a 50 percent chance of thunderstorms, so we didn't take the chance. We stayed at the Hatsfield Inn. They had very tall mattresses. I about needed a ladder to get up on the bed. The top mattress was at least 18" deep. Our sleep was disrupted when the motel alarm clock went off at midnight. Doug tried to turn out off but I think he hit the snooze because it went off again a few minutes later. Also- there was a bright light on the parking lot shining in our window and the darkest shades only covered part of the window, so we tried to sleep with our eyes closed. Just joking, Doug usually needs it pitch black to sleep well, so I think he sleeps with his eyes open. I'm parked at the Whitesville Baptist Church, established in 1854. The population here is 632. We crossed into the central time zone yesterday and gained an hour!