July 11, 2014 - Mackville, KY

Post date: Jul 12, 2014 12:27:28 AM

The guys rode to Mackville, KY today, population 206. We are staying a few miles back in Harrodsburg, KY, population 8,014. They rode a record 71 miles today, partly because they missed a few turns. I actually had a navigator to assist me today - Thanks Deb! and we still missed some of the same turns. The route is not marked in Kentucky as well as Virginia. One of the roads they missed was Jack Turner Dr. It wasn't marked where we turned onto the road, but when we got to the end of the road, I saw a post in the ground and the name of the road was printed down the post with an upsidedown boot at the top of the post. Deb jumped out and took a picture. I'll put it on facebook.

Deb and I had fun this morning. We stayed in Berea and checked out a craft fair. After lunch we drove to our motel and dropped off a few things, then headed down the route to wait for the guys. We passed them with about 7 miles left to go, so we got to check out the very small town of Mackville. We counted 4 churches in one block. It doesn't matter how small or depressed the town is, with closed gas stations and restaurants, every town has a church which is usually the nicest building in the town.