2014-07-18: Day 23 The Half Way Point, Tunnel Hill to Neunert, IL

Post date: Jul 20, 2014 3:25:10 AM

Mileage Today: 65 Total Mileage: 1163

PS. We have been two days without internet so this is being posted on 07-19-2014.

Just 2 miles into today’s ride, we passed another milestone. At 1100 miles we crossed a spot on the road that is the halfway point for the summer. We are now closer to Pueblo, CO than we are to Yorktown, Virginia. Cool! At this point in the ride when we tell people where we started, many don’t have a good idea of where Yorktown, VA even is - only that it is a long way over the eastern horizon line. When we tell them that we plan to finish in Pueblo, CO, they are equally lost to know exactly where that is – only that it is far far to the west. So, we find ourselves in the vast space in the middle. It’s a big, big and wonderful country. Thought we would photograph the tan lines created by the riding gloves. Looks like I have a skin disease. Yesterday I did not provide a list of what I will always remember about Kentucky:

  • The veins of coal and the coal trucks in the east.
  • The dogs allowed to run loose in the Appalachian section.
  • The fantastic quilt patterns painted on the sides of barns and houses throughout the state.
  • The good luck stars that are hanging from many houses
  • Everyone owns an ATV in eastern Kentucky.
