2014-11-10: Green Light For The 2nd Half

Post date: Nov 10, 2014 3:25:26 PM

It is been more than 3 months since Jon and I got off the bikes in Pueblo. We were both ready for a break. So we agreed to not talk about the second half of the country until at least October; Needed some time for our bodies to heal, to get back to teaching, and check out our financial situations.

I am happy to report we have agreed to finish this journey together next summer. Our plan is to fly back to Pueblo on June 18th, a couple of days after school ends then continue the trek west. If everything goes well, we will arrive in Florence Oregon on the Pacific Ocean about the end of July. We already know that next summer will look very different than last summer. Teresa will not be joining us. So it will be just Jon and me on fully loaded bikes, the open road, and the wonders of the American west. I'm excited about it already.