2014-08-04: Day 40 It is Finished, Ordway to Pueblo, CO

Post date: Aug 5, 2014 3:16:46 AM

Miles Today: 52 Total Miles: 2206

It is finished. It is completed. The eagle has landed. We rolled through the final 52 miles today with light winds while we focused on the wild sunflowers that are quite abundant here at this time of year. About 35 miles out of Pueblo, we saw the Rocky Mountains for the first time. The video to the right is the actual moment we hit the Pueblo city limit. At the center of town we had a celebration at 4th and Main in downtown Pueblo right there on the sidewalk.

About 10 miles out of Pueblo, I rode past a sign with a simple silhouette of a farmer on a tractor. The sign immediately transported me back 18 months to the countryside northwest of Hillsboro on one of my early training rides. On that day, I had just extended my training rides to 30 miles when I rode by a sign with exactly the same silhouette of a farmer on a tractor. After that, I rode past this sign many times each week as I prepared for this adventure. Now here it is again. The same sign that started my training in Hillsboro is here in Colorado to greet me at the end of my journey. There have been so many training rides, so much planning, so much time and effort over the past 18 months – all brought me here to Colorado and to the final miles of this ride.

I feel great about it all. Mission accomplished.