2014-06-28: Day 3 The Piedmont, Mineral to Charlottesville

Post date: Jun 29, 2014 1:34:51 AM

We found out late in the night and several times after that the trains run at night in Mineral within about 30 yards of our tents. So last night's sleep was interrupted 4 or 5 times. We opted to ride short today. I wanted to go to Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home. I'm a fan of Jefferson's vision and foresight (i.e Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark) as our young country began to think about the west. We also choose to get a hotel room tonight and attempt for a good night of sleep. Tomorrow is a big day as we ride into Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains. PS. Piedmont translates roughly into "Foot of the Mountain". I took this pic of the Blue Ridge Mountains off in the distance from our hotel just now. The next couple of days promise to be both beautiful and grueling at the same time.