Large/Thick - Turbo 8.5mm

Yes sure we can fix your Heels on your ... Boots, Shoes, Sandals ...ANY Footwear!

Main Steps

1 Remove old heel piece

2 Grind Heel Block Flat

3 Check Angle

4 Check Heights

Remove heel starting from inside front corner of shoe. More

Grind right heel flat

Max 5mm gap under 1/2 sole.

Check heel heights match, now grind the left to match.

5 Do Builds

Grind build area so edges are square and crisp. Atom build onto block. Knife off excess and machine trim sides,then bottom. More

6 Glue Shoe then new Heels

7 Heels in Oven, Shoes not

8 Push together, Nail, Hammer

9 Knife, Heel Trim, Cone, Deburr

Select precut heel,Quick choice, bigger is fine, make sure right colour,

10 Polish Till Pretty

Want heels soft enough to trim.

CHECK glue line is sealed and consistent.