Mixed Media


Mixed media is creating art with more than one material. The materials I used for this project were: ink, charcoal, and graphite. I didn't use very much graphite. I only used it for outline and gridding. I created an ink wash, which was black ink mixed with water. If I wanted a lighter color I would add more water. I used a paint brush with ink for the background. I used charcoal for the dog. If I made something too dark I would go over it with white charcoal.

This art project is based off a photo reference of my dog. She is a white dog so I had to keep it light, and I did not have very many areas with a dark range of value, except the eyes, and the nose.

The hardest part of this project was the ink. Making sure it was all the same value, especially when I took a break in between and had to make a wash with the same ratio. It was also hard to match the makes and lines in the background. I did not always get it proportionate and I couldn't go back over it or erase it.