Political Statement

Not Too Small

This is my political response. Because the election just occurred this project is meant to be a statement of what i think is the most important thing a president is responsible for. I highly agree with this quote from Thomas Jefferson about the true purpose of government, " The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government." This is the idea I based my project on.

I started out this project with the idea of watercolor, which is what i stuck too. I sketched out the fetus figure first, and then the heart around it. A fetus gets a heartbeat within 8 weeks of being conceived. So the next thing I chose to do on my project was make a medical heart rate monitor showing the heart beat is there. I then painted both of these in watercolor. I painted the bottom half in blue and the top half in orange to try to bring a lighter mood to the art because the subject of it is quite heavy. I thought my point would come across more if I had a quote so I chose this quote, by doctor Seuss and cut out lettering in magazines to glue down.

I made this project because it is important to me. It was actually kind of hard to make up because abortion is such a difficult topic that I am very passionate about. I believe that a child is human even as a fetus and should be cared for, hence the heart in the picture. I chose the quote, "a person is a person no matter how small," for two reasons: first, Dr. Seuss writes children books and children have a special importance to me and I have always wanted to work with them. Secondly, I chose this quote because again I believe a fetus is a person, even though they are small and seemingly insignificant.