2D Design

This is the full portfolio of my 2D design class. It is full of pieces that I spent many hours on. The class was comprised of projects that were flat, no sculptures. It has definitely developed many skills. I have learned how to use new materials, like my introduction to watercolor, something I have not used up to this year, and also new ways to use old materials.

I think this portfolio is an obvious representation of the evolution of my skills and styles. Although I had not planned this, I do think it is interesting to see that my very first project was birds painted with watercolor, this also happens to be the exact same as my final project I did this year. I personally do not think this work is that good, but it is fine. Looking at my most recent work, a duck stamp, I think that it is much better. These clearly show the way my skills have improved. Many of my works this year can similarly be compared to those of last year, from my time capsules to my prints. My prints this year not only had better composition and were better quality, they were created with a message that was really important to me. This is helpful when creating art because I think it is better when it has meaning.

This year I have done a many projects with a vague prompt, such as: Circles, leaves, and hands, but also prompts like: A political statement. The more personal prompts, like the political ones, I thought were harder to make because they were so personal and because I wanted to sufficiently convey my feelings, but they came out much better. My favorite project this year was the donate life project. I thought it came out good, and it was fun to make. I did not really like the word graphic. I think it would have been more fun if I had gotten a better word.

My projects this year are much better than last years. The only ones this year which I think I could/should have done better are the “stars and stripes”, the “word graphic”, and the “signature self portrait”. all of which I like, I just think I could have done better. I really like my circle project, prints, hands, and “donate life” projects.