Time Capsules

Time Capsules 2

These are my time capsule drawings. These are the pre-instructional drawings for this class. Meaning, these represent a basic drawing skill level before i learn new techniques. All three drawings were supposed to be observational, so not from photographs. For all three I was given the choice of tools. The four drawings are: A hallway in my school or house, My hand in an interesting gesture, a cropped self portrait, and an object i depend on regularly.

My first drawing is a hallway in my school or house. For this one i chose to do the main hallway in my school. This was meant to show my perspective skills. I remembered how to do most of the perspective techniques including, starting with an X to find the vanishing point, making doors by using a ruler to draw a line from the vanishing point to the top, and how to make benches. I was pretty happy with this one. It would have been better if i had spent more time on it. I definitely could have spent more time on this, but i had three other time capsules to do.

The next drawing is of a hand in an interesting gesture. For this one i chose to make my hand pointing. This was meant to show my skills at drawing position. I did use my sisters hand to look at the form and basic shape, but used my own hand for all the details. I used my sisters hand because i started drawing my right hand, and i am right-handed, so it got difficult keeping the same position. I am not disappointed with drawing, and i feel like it is much better than my time capsules last year. I used shading in it and i think that was a good choice.

The third drawing is a cropped self-potrait. I decided to do one side of my face. I had to draw this while looking in a mirror, and focus on one specific part of my face. i did not really know how to approach this one, and i was pretty sure it would be the hardest. I started by looking in a mirror and sketching out my whole head. i drew a curved line that would be where my eyes would fall, another where my nose would be, and a third for my mouth. Then i decided i would create a box part of the face. I only drew in this box after that, making the eyes, nose, mouth, and hair. I then erased the rest of the head lines i had and did some shading.

My final drawing is of something that I depend on regularly. For this i chose to do my glasses, i pretty always much wear them. This is meant to show how well i can draw still life objects. I tried drawing them a few different ways, with them the sides open, with one side closed, face down, i eventually just decided to close them and set them on a table. I drew two boxes, the same side, so that i could make the lenses about the same size. I then decided to color them with colored pencils.