Independent Design Project

Lost in Translation

This is my independently designed project. For this project there were not rules for theme, material, or anything else. I had to come up with and create this project on my own with basically no restrictions on it. For this project, I chose to work with a partner. I thought it would be interesting to create a project with someone else, incorporating both of our styles and ideas. We talked about what to do a lot, at the beginning and throughout the project. We wanted to do something big, and we wanted to make something whimsical.

We started first by drawing a large bridge like thing across the canvas. We thought it would make a good division of the piece. We thought about do a checkered pattern for this, but figured we could deal with it later. Next, we drew some trees, mushrooms, ferns, etc... coming out from behind this bridge. At that point, I had the idea to turn it upside down to make it appear that these were growing downward. We filled these in with oil sticks to create a colorful and whimsical scene.

At this point we realized that the project would need a background. My partner had the idea to make orbs of pastel colors in the back, which we did. Than we made a grey acrylic paint wash, which we dripped down the back. This solution resisted the oil, keeping the color standing out. Next we had to do the bridge. We were running out of time so we had to think fast. We knew the checked theme would take time and precision. We made drips down the bridge, which we used gold and brown oil sticks to make it look somewhat like an icecream cone. We than colored the drips and made the top look like a cloud of icecream. We agreed it would be interesting to have a human figure sitting on the bridge within this cloud.We made a little girl, who we painted with acrylic. We purposefully left her without a face, making the project sort of like her imagination, and she could have been her any girl.

After all this had been done we took a step back. We realized the project was not where we wanted it to be and we are no happy with what it looked like. We tried to brain storm things to do that could help, but the brown from the bridge was really bothering us both. Eventually we decided to flip it. Since it was already upside down, what if we flipped it back right side up. When we did this we felt many things were solved. We thought the bridge was less obvious. We also added a slithering creature throughout the clouds as well as blue acrylic throughout the sky.