Look Inside


The theme of this project was very open ended. The only rule was that the project had to be a sculpture which was an object inside of another object. The inspiration of my project came from my vacation to Florida I took last week. I missed a week of school, however I did get work done while I was there. Because of the area of Florida I was in, I had the ability to go to the beach very often. Because of this I was inspired to make my project beach themed.

I had many different possibilities to play off this theme. The way I ended up deciding it was because I found a coconut. The way that the coconut was broken open made it look like an egg. That gave me the idea to create a chick. I did not have many regular materials to create my art. I decided that I should make the chick out of shells, because I had so many. I used many different kinds of shells that were the right shapes to make the chick.

When I returned from my trip I had my usual art materials available. I had my chick and my coconut, but it seemed pretty basic. I used sculpy to make the white of the coconut so it was more obviously a coconut. I also made a base out of styrofoam, which I painted yellow. I glued sand on the base to make it look like a beach. As I looked at all my pieces, I realized the colors were all very neutral. I wanted to add some color. I decided to make some palm trees, with bright green leaves, on the base. I made feet for the chick and put it all together. I added some shells on the base too.