Assemblage Sculpture


This is my assemblage sculpture. For this project I had to create a bird sculpture, using a variety of materials. The bird I decided to do was a toucan. Toucans are fairly large birds with big colorful beaks. I mad a life size toucan.

The first thing I did for this bird was make an armature. I basically just tightly wrapped newspaper and used masking tape to make the structure of the body. For the legs I made small armatures and wrapped them in blue streamers. I made the beak by starting with a soda can and wrapped it in news paper. I got the general shape done by this and than I added on color.

For the color I used many different materials. For its back and stomach I used paint swatches. For the stomach, which is yellow, I used yello lobster bāte bags cut to the correct side which I put on its underside for texture. I made the wings by taking a wall paper book and choosing wallpapers with a black majority and cut a lot of feather shapes out which I hot glued on. I also did this for the tail. I made the colors on the beak with crayon wrappers. I peeled the papers off and made a pattern that often is seen on toucan beaks.