Zac R

The Death

Chapter 1

Sirens are screaming loud in my ear, the accelerator is crying, people are leaning over me as the ambulance speeds along the road. I’ve lived a happy life. They take me into a room. The eerie beeping was breaking the silence, then all of a sudden it stopped. I took my last breath, my last blink of colour. GONE!!!

Chapter 2

The darkness has now soaked into me, no colour just darkness. I felt like I am rising up into heaven. A bright light shines on me melting my eyes. I looked around and see other people, animals, everything that you see on earth comes here. But two of these weird robots stand in front of me. One of them looks like your normal everyday robot, the other one looks like a metal dog. “Hello I am Sli-ri and this is Alla and we are here to show you around so just to tell you when someone dies they get us.” Your name is?

“I think it is Zac or Scot, Julie, Sydney,”

“We’ve added some music to help you think and get into the mode,”

“Well Adda welcome to the dark side gang.”

“What do I do now?” He said I could tell people my life, sleep till the whole human race is dead, go into the future or have a cup of tea and coffee.

Chapter 3

“First thing we need to do is get rid of that bloody shirt, we need to take you to the ROBOT MARKET.” The robot market was like a ghost town not a single soul in sight. I kept on walking forward then I tripped over a rock waiting for me to be out on the stone floor, I glued my eyes closed waiting to be knocked out on the stone floor. I waited open my eyes and saw my feet flat on the floor, nothing no scratches. I walked around this dark metal room, dusty from top to bottom. I saw a glowing blue ball in the middle of the room, I tiptoed to the diamond trying not to break the silence in the room. I touched the diamond softly, a screen came in front of me saying, “Move the diamond ball to go through the future.”

Chapter 4

This could tell my future or my kids’ future. I spin the ball to the right taking me five hundred years into the future, it looks like a robot world, techno everywhere and people are wearing VR headsets. They were decorated with skateboards, skulls. I look around at the the big future city. I look in a shop and see some VR headsets for twenty dollars. I spin the ball right again and went another five hundred years into the future. It looked like a ghost town, there was a thick blanket of smoke covering the city, buildings were coming down leaving a cloud of dust behind it. But in front of the of the screen was a man with an outline of red, blocking the screen. He had red hair, red skin colour, red everything. He was floating in front of the screen doing a back and forward movement with his hands like a boxer would do. Punching and cracking the camera screen making it go black.

Chapter 5

What I just saw is ground breaking, mind blowing, crazy. I need to get out of here. I leap back into the dead world. I saw Alla a Sli-ri and they look motion less not moving at all. I open the flap on Alla’s ear same with Sli-ri, there is a scream icon saying low battery. My life is falling into a million pieces. The way back is going to be a pain in the back end. Finally I’m back at the beginning. There are two signs saying “Stay in the dead world,” or

“Go into some kind of form in the real world.” Obviously I go into a real life form. The wait is suspenseful wait… wait… wait...finally I change into a pen. Well a pen is unexpected, it’s not even a living thing. I roll to a piece of paper and write, “NASA sent a person to Mars in the future he will ruin the earth get him off Mars.” My lovely daughter came to read it a few days later. She has sky blue hair, brown eyes, black glasses and a lovely husband and three kids. She works at NASA. She sees the letter and calls, “Sydney did you write this?” No answer. My daughter scrunches the letter up and throws it into the bin. Well she's made the worst decision of her life. The whole human race is dead.


Have you ever been to a funeral and wondered what happens when people die? Join Adda on his journey to discover what happens in the dead world as he also goes to the future. Will he choose to do nothing or try to save the human race.

‘We never get fantastic books like this one. One of a kind.’

The Sydney Morning Herald