Jake K

“Hmmm,” Jaydan said to himself. “What’s next on the shopping list? Oh that’s right, I’m already finished.” Jayden went to the counter.

“$18.20 please,” the lady at the counter said. Jaydan gave the money to the skinny lady.

“Thanks, Sheila.” Jaydan always knew her because she always wore black t-shirt black cardigan and black jeans - basically everything black. “Goodbye Sheila.”

Jaydan put the two creamy dark milk chocolate bars in his pocket. Then he quickly hopped onto his dark black skateboard. After that he rode to the skate park which was full of teenagers that were older than him. The skate park was old and grubby and it had graffiti all over it. It was the biggest skate parks in the district. It had five bowls, a box, two halfpipes, three quarter pipes and a grinding bench. Jaydan picked up his skateboard and got ready to drop in. He was a bit scared because he thought he might slip. His face was scrunched up like a pug. He was terrified. He thought back to the last time he tried this and he crashed. “C’mon, scaredy cat.” His friends laughed so hard at him they nearly cried. He started taking a few steps towards his house. Suddenly, there was water quickly trickling from his eyes.

As he turned the handle of the door to his house, he wiped away the last of his tears. The door handle was tiny and was all rusty. Jaydan and his little brother, Jack, had lost his parents. They don’t know how because they were only little. So they've lived in an old rickety, shaky house. It was also absolutely tiny. He walked in. Jack was sitting on the couch, eating a packet of crisps.

Jaydan could hear him breathing y heavily from the front door. “Jack are you ok?” he shouted at the top of his voice.

“No...m-y...lungs...feel… weird,” Jack said, gasping for breath. Jaydan comforted his brother and put on the TV. He looked up and noticed the old clock was flashing above the fire which was on top of the mantelpiece. Very curiously, Jaydan stepped towards the clock. It was flashing faster and faster. There inside the clock, was a circular thing. He opened it very cautiously.

“RRHH!” Out of nowhere, an old wise man with a long beard appeared. He came out of the circular thing. “Do you want your brother to live?” He said, walking towards Jaydan. “I’ll give up my Elixir and you need to give up something you love like skateboarding. Here’s the portal. Oh, and eventually you will see a signpost that points to Welle Mountain. It should have an arrow to the right. There’s a button on the back you have to press the button is red. Good luck.”

Jaydan picked up the portal. “Bye little bro. I will return with the Elixir.” He pressed the bright red button. The portal started rumbling. It was going faster and faster, opening wider and wider. “Wow!” Jaydan shouted. There were different colours swarming like a bunch of disappointed bees who haven’t got any honey.

Jaydan took two steps closer towards the portal. Those two steps were taken with ease. Then the portal was like it had over a million suction pads on it. It quickly sucked Jaydan into the portal. One time he would see black, next green then red. It was all a bit strange. He came flying out of the portal.

As soon as he came tumbling out of the portal, he could see green pigs with no noses and they had no wings. He was in the unknown world. Then the strangest thing of all appeared - a car with no wheels and no engine. Jaydan picked up the portal. He thought to himself, if I want to save my brother I’ve got to be a lot braver. He was super determined to reach his destination. Suddenly, he could feel something very furry rubbing against his leg. He tried running away from the furry dog / monkey animal, but it kept following him. Then suddenly it started climbing up a tree like a money.

The fluffy dog/monkey brought a banana over. Jaydan took the yellow ripe banana and peeled it. “I'm gonna call you Mog.” Jaydan thought back to the creepy wise man. He remembered that he said, “there will be a sign saying Welle Mountain to the right.” Jaydan looked straight ahead and saw a sign that said in bright red ‘Welle Mountain to the right.’

Mog and Jaydan kept on walking towards the mountain. Both could see the mountain in the distance on the horizon. After three hours, they had reached the massive oversized mountain. It had curls and swirls up until the top. They both couldn’t see or feel their thin twiggy legs.

After dinner, they started walking up the mountain slowly but steadily. After two hours Jaydan said to Mog, “are you really tired because of all the walking we both have done?”

“Woof.” Mog wagged his tail. Jaydan took that as a yes.

“Good night Mog. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

“Woof, woof.” Mog shouted.

The next morning, Jaydan put his clothes on while Mog waited patiently. After Jaydan got changed, they kept going with their fantastic and brilliant journey. They were really excited. This time they walked much quicker than yesterday. Soon they came across a tree. Suddenly they both heard a stampede. But it was only one horse with one knight on the back. The horse was old. It had a beard, a very hairy one. Then on the top they saw a much more pleasant creature. The knight had an armour which was as shiny as a 24 karat piece of gold. The sword looked like pure diamond.

Jaydan’s and Mog’s faces were like a hippopotamus eating a rhino. They were both gobsmacked because of the drop that they just came to. It was humongous! They had to jump or die because the horse was charging at them. He too wanted that elixir for the king. The drop was so freaky. It was like you were inside a crocodile’s mouth. They could hear the knight and the horse coming.

“Aaaaaah! This is scary Mog,” Jaydan screamed. Suddenly, he could feel Mog pushing him off the massive cliff. When he was falling face first toward the rock, he could feel the air filling his mouth so he couldn’t say or do anything. He lifted his head up because he didn’t want to fall face first into the rock. So now his legs were facing towards the rock now feet first. Bam! Jaydan hit the ground and he shook the rock a little bit. Jaydan had landed properly. Falling right behind him, was Mog. He landed properly too except he didn't fall on his two hind legs. He fell on his four legs. Unlike Jaydan, he fell on two legs.

Then they reached a river that was blue. “We’re going have to jump onto the lush green vines.” Mog said “woof” then Jaydan jumped quickly onto his paw. Mog was in the vines. “Ok you are definitely a monkey/dog.” He jumped onto the lush green vines with Mog and jumped onto his paws. The horse with the knight on the back just leaped as soon as Jaydan jumped. The horse jumped into the air and put its long arm out. The horse with the knight missed by millimetre. Meanwhile Mog and Jaydan were quickly scuttling across the vines onto the other side of the cliff. Then Jaydan hopped onto the other side of the river. You could hear the horse drowning because it couldn’t swim.

Then in front of them they could see this tiny little bottle. It was blue and it was on a table that was crusted with diamond. The elixir was bubbling. Jaydan sprinted as fast as he could to the diamond encrusted table.

He grabbed the elixir. It was shining beneath his hand. “OMG! This is awesome. My brother is going to live.” Jaydan looked to the right, and from the very top of the mountain had created a bridge from all the trees stacked up in rows. Then it was much easier for him to build a platform.

He had created a path so they could walk to the ground. It was so strong it was made out of wood oak. “That was such an awesome journey,” he said to Mog.


Together Mog and Jaydan walked together back home and talked about their journey. “Goodbye Mog, thanks for helping me along the way.”

“Woof!” There, Mog started walking back to the unknown world.

Jaydan walked home with his head high and his chest puffed out. He saw the door to his house. He opened the door and saw his brother watching TV. “Hello Jack. You are so brave, here's the elixir.”