Jonathan M


By Jonathan Mougios

“Oh man! Kevin this birthday party is so fun. it’s the best!”

“Yeah man, I know I love being 8.”

“Man I can’t wait till I’m 8 in a year and a few months.”

“Bro, I’m still waiting for that.”

“Ha, ha. You’re the best brother ever Kevin.”

“Thanks bro. So mum when is dad getting home? I really want to see what presents he got me and what cake he bought me.”

“He will be home soon Kevin with your cake and the presents all of us bought you.”

“How many presents?”

“You’ll have to wait and see Kevin.”

“Oh, waiting that kinda sucks but it can’t take that long, right?”

Ding, ding ding.

“Hello where’s the birthday boy?”

“Wow, that didn’t take long at all. He’s here dad. He’s here.”

“We’ll open the door. I’m ready to see him.”

“Ok dad.”

“Waahaa, here you are, happy birthday you little champion.”

“Thanks dad.”

“What is that all? Nothing else?”

“Oh right, hi dad!”


“Hey honey, how is it going?”

“Great. The kids are having fun. Just Kevin and Zach are playing. Oh do you have the cake and the presents we bought Kevin?”

“Ahh, yeah, actually they are under our bed but the cake is in the back of the fridge.”

“Oh really. Ok so go get the presents and show Kevin.”

“Yeah, ok. All of them or just a few?”

“All of them silly!”

“Ok, hehee!”

“Just get them!”

Chapter 1 The Death

“Alright! Hey Kevin are you ready for your presents?”

“Yeah dad bring them in. I’m so ready.”

“Ok here you go.”

“Wow there’s so many presents!”

“Yeah I know.”

“Oooooh, which one should I open first?”

“I don’t know which one do you want to open first.”

“Umm this one that’s medium like me.”

“Ok you open that.”

“Ok, hey wait. Let me try and guess what it is.”

“Ok, good luck.”

“Umm, ok. Maybe its Ooh Zoomer Chimp.”

“Wow, great job Kevin. Wow, that’s actually right!”

“Yes what a guess. Ooh, wait. Let me guess. My cake … umm vanilla caramel cake with tiny marshmellows on it.”

“Right again Kevin. You are really good at guessing.”

“Thanks dad. You know I’m going to go to my room now.”

‘Ok Kevin that’s fine I guess.”

“Yeah I know.”

“Whatever. Ha, ha.”

‘Um ok.”

“Yes, ha, ha. I love birthdays and screaming yes of course.”

Up the stairs I go dud dud dud dud dud dud dud dud dud dud and into my room. I jump on my bed, open the window. Ok I’m ready to scream. 3,2,1 boom!

“Huh, what was that Jack?

“I don’t know Cristina.”

“Um, well then Zac should go and check on Kevin since we are cooking dinner.”

“Yeah, I’ll ask him.”


“Kevin, um, can you please go and check on your brother in his room please?”

“Ok mum. Alright I’ve got my first assassin mission coming up. My mission is to check on my brother who is stuck in his room. Ok, first I’ve got to jump through the crunching door of doom time. Now I’ve got to quickly run up the stairs of fire. If I do it quickly I’ll be alright. Oh geez, you know take the pain. Now I’ve got to go and input the password for the room. You know this is a big upgrade compared to the last mission that was stealing some extra Tim Tams from the last packet we had. Now I’ve got to get the passcode inputted. Beep, boop, beep. I’ve got in. Alright, now let’s see my brother in 3,2,1.

What the hek! Mum, dad, come here now.”

“What? What is it? I think Kevin is dead.”

“What? Where? Show us.”

“Ok. Look there is blood everywhere and he didn’t scream or yell out the window.”

“Huh, Kevin. How? What? Where? Why?”

“No Kevin. I didn’t want to die. You’re the best brother ever and nothing can top that, aaaaahahahahaaaaaaaah.”

“It’s ok Zac. It’s ok.”

"Ok its not stupid lady. Whoever did this will die. I will kill them. I will sue them to their grave. If you are listening to me right now, know this, someday I will look for you and I will find you and I will kill you. Your life will be mine and when you die it will be by me.”

“Jack, we need to call the police. Dial 911 quick.”

“Ok, ok.”

“Well, hurry up.”

“911. Pick up, pick up, come on.”

“Hello this 911 emergency calling system. What is your emergency?”

“Someone has what looks like, shot our son in the forehead and he is dead and bleeding on the floor.”

“Sir, is this true?”

“Yes, yes, it is. Please come now.”

“Ok we are going to need your area code number, your suburb, your street and your address please.”

“Ok our code number is 5973 our area is Rockville, Maryland and our street is Baltimore County and our address number is 18.”

“Ok we will send police and paramedics to your home.”

“Ok thank you. Please hurry.

Chapter 2 The Investigation

“Oh come on. It’s been half an hour. When are they going to get here? Yes finally there here.”

“Hello is this Jack and Cristina Johnes.”

“Yes, yes it is.”

“Ok great. I’m going to need you to show me the incident before I can signal the other police to come in.”

“Ok its upstairs on the third door to the right.”

“I’m going to need you to come up with me so I can be sure this is not a fake call.”


“Look here he is lying dead on the floor with blood everywhere.”

“Oh my god! All police come in and bring detective materials.”

“Yes sir. What is the emergency sir?”

“As you can hopefully see there is a dead boy on the floor with a bullet in his head bleeding as we speak. Paramedics, where are you?”

“We are here. Well take the problem and send a blood sample to the specialist right away.”

“Thank you General.”

“Excuse me General. Will this wreck my house?”

“No of course not.”

“Ok me and my husband and Zac will be in our room probably wallowing in depression and crying about Kevin. Come on Zac.”

“Ok boys in here is a dead body and we need to find out why. We also need to find out who did it, because we wouldn’t want to leave a family without the answer to their dead son. So I’m going to need the A and B teams to split into two different parts. A team you are going to go outside and search for anything the killer might have dropped some DNA. B team you guys can stay in here and search for any lost bullets or anything suspicious at all the killer might have dropped or lost. B team while you are searching I’ll be outside watching the A team and sending a blood sample to the specialist. Get moving.”

“Who could of committed this crime? You now there is one man out there and it is the deranged terrorist killer, Frank Zurkey. That man was bailed out of jail for billions of dollars and then he has been running around causing chaos.”

“You know General that there are a lot of killers out there.”

“Huh, who said that?”

Oh, you don’t know me! You just spoke my name General.”

“Frank how are you here?”

“I’m everywhere. I’m an assassin and I’ve been out here planning something big and there is nothing you can do about it. Did you hear me General? I’m an assassin so every piece of tech you use is pointless.”

“Whatever Frank. Just know that the boy is going to die.”

Swords, knives and guns are the way you and the kid is going to die. I have to go know. Bye General.”

“A team B team report in a single row. Move, move, move. Single file men. I just had a conversation with the most crazy killer in the world, Frank Zurkey. Do you know who that is?”

“Yes sir we were the teams that cauught him before he was bailed.”

“Hello Mr and Mrs Johnes. We have found out already who it was and it is the terrorist killer named Frank Zurkey who was bailed out of jail a couple of years ago and he just talked to me. Trust me madam, this killer keeps his word and he will be seen again in 9 years.”

“Bye General.”

Cristina remember that news article about that killer who was sentenced to jail for 20 years and then was bailed.

“Well what do we do now? Frank Zurkey. I’m going to kill him.”

“No Zac.”

The next morning 9 years later

“Mum I’m going out and you might see me again or you might not.”

“What did you say Zachury?”

“Nothing mum. Don’t worry mum.”

“Let’s go get revenge. Frank killed my brother. He ruined my life so I’m going to ruin his. Where are you Frank? Your dream right to kill me, phsyco.”

Your right Zac. Do you know why though?”

“No actually.”

“Let me give you a bed time story. When you were born your dad Jack our fathers were good friends. While we were in the hospital I jogged over to the café and ordered one small hot chocolate and I spilled it all over you. Your dad said how could you do such a thing and screamed at me and said do not come near my baby ever again. It was just an accident.”

“Oh really Frank. Go and I don’t ever want to see you again in my entire life.”

“Jack I .. a a I’m sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it mate. Now leave and don’t ever even look at me ever again.”

“Those were the exact words your father said to me and since then I’ve been wanting revenge so I decided to kill your brother. I waited for this exact moment in time, so I’m ready for a fight Zac, so you make the call.”

“Let’s do this.

Ya urggh zac if yo die blame your father!

No this is my time ha urrrrrrrrr ya huh ha huh ha, urr ive got you now!

Keep dreaming twinkle toes!

“Huh that was a good one man. You know, I’m gonna go and tell mum.”

“Mum I’m home.”

“Oh where did you go honey?”

“Huh maybe it’s better you don’t know.”


“I love you mum.”

“Oh I love you to son.”

To be continued