Andre T

There John strode in front of a huge door which lead into the final dungeon. John lives in world where there are monsters that walked on the streets looking for food. All they wanted meat. Everyone knows there is only one way to stop all of them at once. Even though you can kill them, they will always come back stronger. That one way must be done with the Bringer of Life and Death called the Golden Orb. It is forged from pure gold and the rarest gems known to mankind. It’s in this dungeon that John standing in front of. He is going to get it. He says, whilst standing at the door, “I hope I get it, but in order I must face my worst nightmares and all ten super bosses. But i'm not alone. I’m with my friends or people that I trust.”

The sky was slowly becoming red as John looked up. Then he saw the large shadow swooping out of the sky. “It’s here, the beast is here.” John and his team looked up at the shadowy figure as it dived down at us screeching like crazy. It tried to attack John, so he pulled out his swords out from their sheafs and stood strong ready to take the monsters. A bird like shadow started to come out of the monster. John knew he could not take it. “Agrh!” he screamed. John jumped out of the way of the dark mythical creature. Some of this team jumped in front of them with their shields and the others attacked the monster non-stop

John got back up. “Move please,” he shouted. John picked his swords and went closer to the monster. As everyone stayed back, one person, Paul, joined John. He looked down at the monster and attacked it. At the same time a door opened. “We have to go we don’t have much time left,” he said to Paul.

They walked through the door and were put in a long hallway. John sprinted down the hallway. When got to the end it was a dead end. “What is this? This cannot be. No. We must have done something wrong. No.” John was very angry. “We need to get to the next monster. We don’t have time for this. We have to leave.” He turned to Paul. “Blow it up,” he ordered.

“That will never work,” Paul responded.

“I will not give up. We have come so far.”

“Ok. Everyone step back.” Paul said.

John pulled out his swords attacked the wall. “Not even a dent. Well I’m not giving up that easy.” John did not stop attacking the wall for 5 minutes. Then he stopped. “I did it! I broke it. Let’s go.”

Then the wall started to come back together by itself. Without thinking, John wedged his swords it into the wall. “I hope this works,” he said, hopefully. Hohn freed the swords from within the concrete. “Go now,” he said to Paul and his team. “We don’t have much time.” John and the others sprinted into the small hole in the wall.

A minute later, John looked around the room of the dungeon. He was amazed by the beautiful blue sky. John sat down in a dungeon which was full of disasters. Suddenly, a tree branch fell on John's head. “AHHHH!” he screamed.

John was knocked out and had a dream about his childhood. He stood there as a small group flew past him to attack a monster ten times their size just to protect his village. “Wow! They're so brave. I wish I could be that brave Mumma.”

“You will one day John, I just know it.”

Suddenly he woke back up. “What? Where am I?”

“Oh Captain, you’re up. Good. We're almost there,” Paul said.

John sat up. “Where?“

“To the monster.”

John looked up at the blue sky but it was no longer there. It was just stone and darkness.

“How many beasts have been defeated?” He asked.

“We have defeated five. Two when you were not conscious.”

“How long I was out?”

“We’re here.” John looked in front of him. There was a large hole which lead into an even larger cave. “Ok, why is there a gigantic spider web on the wall,” he said trembling. Then out of nowhere a dark figure started crawl down the wall. “No what is that? I don't like spiders at all.” he screamed.

“Come on, it's not that bad. It just has eight legs and wants to eat you!” joked Paul. When John was not ready, the eight legged freak pounced out at him. “AHHH!” John got on his knees and covered his head with his arms. He screamed like a child who did not get the lolly that they wanted. “AHHHH! Save me!”

The others attacked the monster, as john sat in the corner covering his eyes not wanting to face his fears. “We’re done. It is gone now.” Paul said, putting his hand on John’s back. “You can open your eyes.” John got up and got back to his journey.

As John was walking through a long tunnel in front of his team, he made a wrong turn into a ever long dark lonely tunnel. He kept on walking, thinking that his team close by. In reality they were hundred of meters away. He keep on walking until the reached a wall, “hey guys it's another dead end.“ John yelled. Then he heard a large roar come from the the ceiling. He saw flames. “I'm not alone,” he said. John started sprinting as fast as he can. “AHHHH! Run everyone, run. There is a huge dragon chasing me.” John finally released that his team was far, far away.”

“Man, how dumb am I to not know that they were gone. Come on.” John sprinted in any direction not able to see where he was going. Then he saw a shimmer of light coming from in front of him. He knew he had to make his way back to his team, so he ran even faster. “Come on, come on.” Then john heard a humongous bang. He stopped. “What was that?” He looked back. The stupid dragon had hit the wall. John has out of the dragon’s grasp.

John walked out into the light again. “They must be this way.” He started walking into the only passage that was left. “They have to down here.” John started to sprint down the narrow hallway into a large room like all the others. “That's the six one,” he said. Suddenly, he heard a large screech coming from behind him. “No... not the dragon.” A large gust of wind then came out of nowhere. John was viciously thrown against the wall. Just by the power of it’s wings, John tried to stand up but his leg had been crushed up against the concrete wall. “AHH! It can't end like this. My team needs me more than ever.” He was losing stamina fast. He started to hop on his one leg towards the door. Then another large gust of wind came. John leaped onto the ground before the wind got him. The door was too small to fit the door small to fit It wasn't possible for reach him now. John had to drag himself across the floor to the door. He got out of the room then got back up on to his one leg and started to hop again. “Hopefully I find them again,” he said.

“I must keep on going.” John was walking down the tiny hole where the dragon could not get him.

“John? John?” John heard someone mumble his name.

“Did someone say my name? No. It must be my imagination.”

“John... John?”

“No. Someone did say my name. I’m here! I’m here!” he cried. A small group people approached John. It was his team.

“Come on John.”

“My leg I can't walk properly.”

“It's ok. We will carry you back to the others.”

“Thank you so much that boss are we on.”

“We're on the eighth one. Why?”

“I want to know how close we are to the final one.”

“It’s pretty cool how we are going to be the team to beat to beat the last dungeon if we succeed.” John was carried through an area that was freezing, through wasteless deserts. When he finally got to the rest of this team, they were waiting for him in front of a huge wooden door, which would of been eighty meters high.

“Come on. What happened to you captain?” Paul said.

“Nothing ok let's go in.” John demanded.

“You're not going anywhere you can’t even walk properly.” Paul screamed.

“I'm not going to do nothing and sit on the sideline.” John replied.

They opened the gigantic door and went in, closing it on john before he went through. He banged the door. “They need me. I just know it they are going to get hurt.” John waited but the door didn't open. “This is taking so long.” John hopped over to the humongous door to try to open it. “I can do this. No, I have to do this for my team.” John pulled out his swords and sticks them into the crack of the door to pull it open, but nothing happened. “Well, that didn't work,” he said aloud. “Think, John, think. Wait a second that did they do when they opened it? Oh yeah, they all pulled it. Well there has to be another way to get in.”

John started trying to pull the bricks but then the door opened. “What are you doing?” Paul said.


“Um, ok. You can come in now.”

“What took so long.”

“We forgot about you.” John walked in. It looked like all the others were at the door. There was a door with a long hallway but in this one there was a larger hallway, much like a whole room itself. John started to walk in the room.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a beast jumped out at John. It had four arms and four legs and a large beady eye, which was staring right at him. It opened its huge mouth that must of had hundreds of razor sharp teeth with goo oozing out like slime. But this monster was different. It was carrying a large spear. John pulled out his swords, bounced off the wall and swung his sword. But, he was too slow. He could only use one leg.

The beast swung its sword at him. He flicks it away with his swords. “Help,” John screamed for help. They all came running towards him. “We’re coming,” they yelled. But John realised they were too far away. They would of not make it time. John started to attack the monster’s legs. He took of one, then two, then three, then four! It laid on the floor and then the others came and got rid of it. “Are you ok?”

“I'm fine,” he said. “Hey Paul, was that one of them?”

“I think it was. That means that there is two left until we get there,” Paul said.

They kept on walking until they they got to flat ground. They rested for many days, waiting for John to get better. When he finally did, they went off again. They got to another huge door and there it stood made of metal not wood. “Why do you think they made it out of metal not wood?” John said.

“Because what is in there is not meant to come out.” Paul said.The team walked over, confused and wondering how they were going to open it. “We're all going to have to help open this door.” John said. Everyone grabbed the old rusty door and pulled it his hard as they could just to try to open it enough to fit through the crack of the door. They all pulled at once and the door opened. “We did it.” they cried.

They all went through the crack. There was nothing there there just an empty room. “Where is it it? Better not be another spider,” John said. A dark shadow was moving closer. “Why is that moving?” John screamed. “Is that the monster?” Paul said. It was now on the floor, moving closer and closer. It was going towards John soon but then he realised that the shadow was hundreds of millions of little marksmen, the most poisonous spiders in the world. With just one bite you die in twenty minutes, so you have to be careful. “Oh no! I am not dealing with those.”

“You have to John, you didn't help last time.”

“I can't do that. I can't. I just can't.”

“Well you have you you're the only one here who can beat that many small things at once. You have to.”

“Ok I will try.” John got up and wiped the tears off his face. “I need fire - I’ll burn them all.”

John grabbed a torch and walked over to the huge amount of spiders. He swung the torch around. “I’ll light all the little bugs up.” All of a sudden all the spiders started crawling up John's leg. “Get off me. Get off me.” Then out of nowhere, they started to run around him and go toward the rest of his team. “No get back here.” John started to swing the fire around again lighting lots of them on fire. “You have to stay away from them. Don't let them near you.” John threw the flame at the massive cluster of spiders, burning them but not all of the ones running towards one of his friends. When he saw it was the biggest one of these super poisonous spiders,. He pulled out his swords and cut the thing into two all the spiders were becoming unstable and didn't know what was going on anymore. “Let's go. We have one more to go. We are so close.”

John got to another large door but this one was made of gold. “This one has to be it. None of the others were made of gold." Inside was gold, gold everywhere. The walls were covered in gold. The whole place was thousand of years old but there was nothing in there - no monster no orb. John slow walked until he came to a hole in the floor. Then he was thrown forward. “What was that?” Flames burst through the door behind him. “No. It’s the dragon from before.”

The door was slammed open with no struggle. The dragon burst through the door. It was the same one as before. It flicked half of John's team team away with one hit. “It’s so much stronger than last time.” Suddenly, a even louder roar came from behind. An even larger dragon came. It was as big as an skyscraper. It hit the other dragon and dragged it across the room. Then it started to fly up and dropped it. The large dragon came down and flew down on the hole in the ground.

John started sprinting. He started to sprint up the dragon's tail, up to its neck. He pulled his swords and stabbed it in the neck. The dragon let out a loud screech and shook John off but he stuck his swords in the scales of the dragon. Be pulls them out then back in propelling himself up back. Then he stood up on the back on it's neck and slashed and slashed.

The dragon took flight. It spun around in circles. John stuck his swords in the back of the humongous dragon's neck. Then, the dragon started to swan dive down into the ground.

“I'm going to hit the ground,” he yelled. John jumped off the dragon and onto the ground. As he fell, a tooth of the dragon hit John in the face. “Ow! That hurt!” John grabbed the tooth and got ready to hit the ground. He hit the ground. The tooth went flying towards the hole.

Then John realised something the orb was hidden and he had to unlock the passage. To unlock it, he grabbed the tooth and wedged it into the hole. Suddenly he heard a sound. Then the floor started to open up. A stairway opened up. “That must be where the orb is,” he exclaimed. He started to run down the stairs and at the bottom there it was. The golden orb.

John grabbed it. The orb started to glow and become heavy. “Is it working? It must be.” It got so heavy that John dropped on the floor. “Hey John, come look at this,” said Paul. He walked back up the stairs. The dragon was being sucked towards the orb. “It’s working. It's actually working. We’re saved. This is all over. We’re saved. This is all over.”