Sam C

He looks like a freak! He is weird! I can’t even look at you! This is what everybody said when they saw Kevin around the school. This was because Kevin had a triangle on his head with an eye in the middle. People thought this was a sign to show that he was ugly. But Kevin was not ugly and was actually very smart and athletic. But he wished he didn’t have his third eye. One afternoon, (his favourite time of day) he loved afternoons when the sky was a plum colour and golden, after 20 minutes of walking home, he found a letter in the mail for him! It was covered in shiny diamond which reflected the golden colour of the sky back into his face. The sticker holding the envelope together was the same symbol on his forehead. He opened it carefully trying not to rip it. The letter said “Kevin we know you hate the symbol on your head. It’s annoying isn’t it? Well come over to my place. I have got something to tell you about it.”

Kevin looked surprised. “I wonder what he wants to say to me?” Out of nowhere time stopped and Kevin was getting lifted off the ground! He blasted through space and dimensions. Then suddenly it stopped and he was in front of a pyramid.

Knowing this must be the place he was looking for he went inside and there was your average pyramid with symbols of cats, dogs and Egyptians. But none of them were as mysterious as the triangle symbol on the wall. It said do not press at all costs. He went to press it but then stopped. His mind was telling him not to press it but he thought if it was worth it, then he went to press it again. His mind was yelling at him “Stop! You don’t know what could happen! It could mean the end of the world!”

He pressed down on it and at this point his mind was saying “Ah come on!” A terrifying laugh could be heard for miles around “Ahhahahahaha, ahhahahahaha, ahhahahahaha!” Kevin’s symbol began to flash multicolours. The illustration on the wall was so bright if you looked at it your eyes would have caught on fire. Something bad was happening, something very bad was happening! Finally, a triangle with an eye appeared with arms and legs.

“Ahhahahahaha! Ahhahahaha! Oh its happening, its finally, finally happening! ahhahahahaha! Physical form don’t mind if I do!”

“What’s happening?” shouted Kevin.

“All right listen here you fleshy soft skin puppet. For one trillion years I’ve been trapped in in my own dimension waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name is Bob but you can call me your New Lord and Master for all of Eternity!”

“But wha…how…what are you?” Kevin was shocked to see his own mark on his head of an actually real living thing. “Why do you want to take over the world?”

“Listen kid, I have big plans and I don’t need you screwing them up like that other girl Sarah did.”

“Who is Sarah?”

“That doesn’t matter to you, so bye!”

Bob pointed a finger at Kevin and shot a laser so powerful it blasted Kevin through the ceiling of the pyramid and through the sky to a forest 100 miles away from bob.

Darkness, that’s all Kevin could see until he woke up in a cottage lying on a bed of feathers stuffed into woolly sacks. Kevin looked around to the right and saw a teenager about 14. She had blonde hair and was wearing dirty clothes that a lumberjack might wear.

“Hey kid.” She had a very calm but serious look. “How did you fall out of the sky?” “Did you have a sky dive accident?”

“No a triangle who called himself Bob blasted me with a laser.”

The girl looked as if she just stared into hell. “You were blasted out of the sky by Bob!”

“Wait you know him!”

“Of course I do. He did the same thing to me.” “Uh what’s your name?”

“Kevin, and yours?”


Kevin was shocked. He had been saved by the girl who stopped Bob the first time. “I get called Kevin the Weird.”


“Because of this. He brushed his hair back and showed his mark. She looked more shocked but calmed down after a few minutes. “What do you know about Bob?” Kevin asked in curiosity.

“Well Bob used to be friends with the Dimension Gods in the Dimension Org. There was the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimension. Each one was able to be entered by four doors in the centre. The gods let Bob wander through any one he wanted only if he didn’t cause destruction to any of them. One day he decided because he was a reality warper to cause destruction on the third dimension. The gods stopped him and sealed him in the pyramid. Knowing that it was not safe to let anyone else into other dimensions, they created a force field around the doors so no one could do the same as Bob did. I set him free once but sealed him back in again.”

Kevin was shocked about all this. “Why can’t we stop him the same way you did?”

“Because he has monsters of horror that could kill you quicker than a cheetah running a metre. And because I don’t have the erase gun anymore which could erase anything.”

“Then we must find it to use against Bob! I know we can stop him!”

“Fine we will try but I must grab supplies first.” She ran to a cupboard and picked out cans of meat, beans and peaches. “This should be enough for the journey so let’s go!”

They set out to find the eraser gun to stop Bob. Meanwhile Bob was introducing himself to the town. “Hello puny humans who don’t know anything. My name is Bob but I would prefer if you called me Master.”

“What makes you think we will call you master?” the head of the army said.

“Oh you’ll find out sooner or later!”

The army chief signalled his men to fire and they shot at Bob until all their guns had run out of ammo.

“Nice try but know it’s my turn!” Bob looked at one soldier and pointed his finger at him. A bright red laser shot out and covered the soldier in light. When Bob stopped the laser, the soldier was a monster with six tentacles and razor sharp teeth. “Ahhahahahaha!” Everyone was running away. Meanwhile Bob was turning unlucky people into stone. This was the apocalypse. This was the end of us.

Kevin looked around and he saw animals running away from the towns direction. “What’s happening?” Kevin said looking shocked.

“Bob has finally started the crazypocalypse. He wants to take over all dimensions but he can’t because of the doors the gods created.”

Bob watched them from his pyramid. “So they think I can’t finish my reign over all dimensions, well they’re wrong, I know how and it’s going to happen in 1 hour! Henchman take them out!”

A few minutes later they were surrounded by Bob’s henchman. They were outside the place where the erase gun was. “Kevin get the gun and I will distract them!” Kevin ran for the gun and snatched it from the platform it was sitting on and turned it on to fight the monsters as Sarah was flipping around punching them in face. Kevin ran and turned the gun on and said “Let’s try this out!” He pointed the gun at one and pulled the trigger. It fired a flashy green laser and the monster was erased from existence. “This is awesome!” Kevin kept firing until they were all gone “Well that was an experience short lived” Kevin said wishing he could do it again.

“Guys seriously you had like one job to do here!” Bob was not happy and he had to take matters into his own hands. “Let’s wait and see if they have enough to defeat me!” “Do you know what this mark means?” said Kevin lifting up his hair.

“I think it means you’re the only one who can defeat Bob.”

“I am not sure I could do that.” Kevin was never sure if he could do something like that.

Bob was talking to the rest of his henchman. “Ok can someone please tell me even with our newfound infinite power, you can’t kill two teenagers with no powers?”

“They have the only thing that can kill us, the erase gun. What do we do boss?”

“Simple, I managed to collapse the barrier to the dimension doors, all I need is to block them from the doors so they can’t follow.

“Kevin the barrier to the dimension doors is closing!”

“I thought it was closed? He must have reopened it and now he is closing it again so we have to run!” They ran as fast as they could to the doors. Kevin got through but Sarah didn’t. Kevin ran after Bob to his castle (by the way it was a pyramid). “Bob where are you? Come out, out, you pointy imbecile!”

Bob came out of the darkness. “Did you just call me an imbecile?”


“You are going to regret saying that!” Bob started shooting lasers at Kevin whilst he was trying to fire at Bob but kept missing. Bob was changing his hands to guns or to saws. Bob suddenly spawned alien monsters and mixed them together. He called them the Super Destruction Ultra Monster - who can do anything he wants whenever he wants - because he didn’t want him to lose to a puny human with a erase gun that looks like a pirate pistol.

“You made that name as you went along didn’t you?”

“Yeah pretty much. Do you know how long it takes to make the names for them? It’s so hard!” “Well at least you can’t stop him because he can do anything he wants.”

Kevin shot a laser at the monster and erased it.

“Oh come on! That was the most creative thing I have created.

“Seriously! you can do anything and create anything and that was the most creative thing you’ve made.”

“Well you only set me free from the pyramid two days ago.”

“Fair point but let’s get this over with!” Kevin shot a laser at Bob and sucked away his powers

“What the…no!..!no!no!no!no! I was just about to take over the Candy Store!”

When Bob had lost his powers he couldn’t protect himself. Kevin ran up and punched Bob in the face (well he technically doesn’t have a face but you get the point).

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” The dimension barrier was destroyed because Bob was dead. But there was this amulet on the ground and Kevin picked it up and took it with him. Sarah was waiting for him. “Well done Kevin. I need to do something with the amulet. She started to laugh in a very evil way “Ee!ee!ee!ee!ee!ee!” “After tricking this stupid mortal I will take revenge on the world as a demonic spirit!” “I shall rule to the end of time!”

Kevin was thinking what to do. What would you do? Choose what to do.

1.attack with erase gun.

2.try and talk her out of it. like a coward after peeing your pants.

The correct answer is number three. Kevin ran away (but he didn’t pee his pants). He ran to a safe location which happened to be a rock. He tried to erase her but the gun had to recharge (I forgot to mention it needs to recharge). Kevin looked back at her and he saw her body on the floor. He realized that her body had been taken over by the devil itself. The real Sarah was waking up. She saw the demon and ran away to the rock Kevin was hiding behind.

“What do we do?”

“I don’t know!”

“Well there must be some way.”

The demon rose up to the clouds and created the biggest lightning storm Kevin had ever seen. He thought what he could do. But before anything the demon had already created a portal to let other demons through to earth. Kevin ran at the demon holding the amulet. He climbed up a tall tree and got ready for action. He pulled out the erase gun and set it to bomb mode (don’t you love technology). Anyway, he set it to bomb mode, the demon reached out a tentacle and grabbed him taking him closer to its jaws. Kevin pressed the explode button and, “Booooooooooooommmmmmmm!” After it cleared up only Sarah was left, not the demon, not Kevin.

5 days later.

“Kevin shall be known for his bravery and sacrifice for us and everything.” “We will remember him to the end of time.”