Henry A

There once lived two great friends their names were Austin and Morris. They had very different personalities. Austin was occasionally grumpy, and on the other hand Morris was a extremely curious and positive person. They lived on the peak of a steep and enormous mountain. The two were fantastic artists, painters and drawers. They had a strong passion towards painting and drawing. They were once venturing to their old broken down lab that stood on the peak of the enormous mountain the mountain was known as purple rock mountain, occasionally you found purple rocks. They were going to climb purple rock mountain because their old house perched on the peak of the mountain. They still had an entire mountain to climb. They finally reached the river that was surrounding the mountain, "I can see a long bridge. We can walk over to get to the mountain." They reached the bottom of the huge mountain at last. They looked up to see what they were about to climb. They then started to climb. They were slowly but carefully climbing the face of the mountain towards their lab. They were just overseas in Venice - they loved it. Their lab overlooked a small town known as Asheville. They were yet to find out that they would have to go on a quest to save the town by painting happiness and love to kill the few evil emotions that were progressing to take over world.

All of a sudden, Austin misplaced a single footstep and tripped, toppling forwards his bag flew of his shoulder. Austin was a very grumpy person at times like this. On the other hand, Morris was a very exciting and curious person. Morris helped Austin regain his balance. Austin started to complain because all of his stationery and paper fell out of his bag. He stuffed all of his stationery and paper in his front pocket of his bag and dusted off his grey blazer, which had no life in it. They were halfway up the face of the mountain when Austin started to complain again. He asked Morris a question. Morris ignored him and asked him, “hey Austin. What do you think pie looks like? Did you know pi is infinity?” They finally caught a glimpse of the lab and started to hurry. They could not wait to get to their lab.

Morris dumped his bag on the path that lead to the house and unzipped it, in hope of finding the keys that open the front door if their lab. Morris's heart sank as he realised that he had carelessly left the keys somewhere on the mountain they just conquered. Morris asked Austin to check his bag. He still could not see any sign of the keys to the front door. Morris was in a way relieved to see a hole the perfect size for a pair of keys to fit through. “The keys must have fallen out that little hole in the bottom of my bag,” announced Morris. He told Austin that he was too old to walk down the mountain again, so he very politely asked Austin to go on the hunt for the keys. Morris was worried that he wouldn't be able to find the keys and someone would find them and rob them.

Austin slowly walked down the face of the mountain muttering to himself about how careless Morris was leaving the keys on the mountain. He had forgot about it not being Morris's fault and the hole that the keys made. All of a sudden, Austin caught a slight glimpse of something extremely bright out of the corner of his eye. He was positive that it was the keys to their house. As Austin slowly bent down he had he felt a snap in his spine. This couldn't be good he slowly fell to the ground. Later that day, Morris found him unconscious and dragged him and the keys to the lab.

He still had the keys in his hand. Somehow Morris found another way into the house. He sat up in his bed and announced that he had found the keys. “How did that happen?” Morris said, coming into the room.

“I don't know. I must also be getting old.”

“Yeah maybe but I am still the wise one in this family of ours.”

“Well it's getting late and I need to get some sleep so my drawings are even better then yours.” Morris was kept awake all night by Austin sleep rhymes.

Dawn broke and Austin sat up in his bed. On the other hand, Morris stayed wide awake all night long. “Well, how did you sleep?” Austin asked.

“Not well, thanks to you.” They both got straight out of bed and got changed into their clothes. After that they went straight outside onto the verandah to get straight into their drawings. Austin was getting ready to draw a fantastic still life painting of fruit such as grapes and apples in a bowl surrounded by enormous bottles of wine. On the other hand Morris was preparing to draw a landscape of the Simpson Desert with a man sitting on a levitating carpet with outstanding patterns on it. After some drawing, they had breakfast for breakfast. They had a enormous plate of bacon and eggs on toast. At last the two finished their plates of food and went to the sink to wash their plates and hands. Then they went straight back into their drawings. They could never get bored of their beloved jobs.

They were in the middle of enjoying their drawings they were rudely interrupted by the wailing of the nearby town known as a Asheville. The inappropriate sound of the screaming was increasing by the moment. Morris could hear it but barely. He sadly needed to have hearing aids. They thought to themselves have very peculiar this was to hear such a sound at this early in the morning. Oh how they wished this dreadful sound would disappear of the face of the earth but it wouldn't. They tried their best to ignore it but they couldn't. Austin and Morris both agreed to go and investigate what seemed to be the problem. So they packed all of their stationery and equipment and set of to the nearby town.

They were taking an abseil down the face of the mountain when the noise was stopped.Then it suddenly started again. “It must have been a false alarm,” Austin said. They got to the bottom of the mountain Austin and Morris leapt off the abseil. They were excited to find out the problem. They felt like investigators. Before they even got to the town they were venturing around the town for hours trying to get sa answer that wasn't complete gibberish or that they could understand enough.

After at least a good hour of trying to find a proper answer, they finally came across a wise man. They were relieved that they could understand what he was saying. He announced that these evil emotions were furious, sad and angry and were spreading across the world and were taking over human kind. It was rapidly spreading and had already taken over most of the little village. Austin and Morris realised how serious the situation was and was curious on how to find them if they were emotions. The old man heard them and told them that they were 3D and were very stealthly and good at hiding. They had to figure out a solution which resulted in them winning the war against the evil emotions. The emotions were the sounds that disturbed Austin and Morris

Then Austin came up with a terrific idea which was to fight them with 3D happiness. Morris thought this was a great idea but he came up with a complication which was how would they present happiness to the evil emotions. We could defeat them by drawing happiness on paper and present it like that. The three, including the wise man agreed that's sure to do the trick.

Morris and Austin went back to the old/wise man and asked him one last question. “Do you know where they could find the dreadful emotions?” Morris asked. He responded very loudly, announcing that the Omega, which was practically the heart of all emotions, lurked in the heart of the forest which was called Snowy Falls. They went back to the lab to get all of the equipment that they needed to conquer the long quest ahead of them. Austin was an easily scared person which was his secret weakness. He was so wussy that he had to have dim lights on at night. They got to their front door and went in. Once they were in the house they packed their bags full of all of their stationary needed when fighting the evil emotions to save the poor village that were suffering from the evil emotions.

They then set off to the evil emotion’s territory. At last they reached Snowy Falls, Morris and Austin could faintly hear the sound of sadness. Austin was extremely worried the second he could hear the sadness. “I’m mainly worried about the fact that they might not win and the emotions would take over the world,” said Austin.

“Nonsense” exclaimed Morris. He was a very cocky person. They got out their pencils and paper and got prepared to defeat the Omega which would kill the emotions for ever.

They started to draw draw happiness and excitement on their blank sheets of paper, so they were prepared the second they caught a glimpse of the omega or an emotion to defeat them or it. Austin whispered to Morris, “I think that a red emotion was coming towards them.”

“Indeed” said Morris. He could also clearly see an emotion coming towards them. It was bigger than they thought it would be and was as bright as blood Morris built up pase and ran towards it. He pounced on it with his drawing in front of him. Amazingly it worked! It vanished leaving a pile of dust. He know had more confidence than ever. He and Austin killed of all of the emotions until he reached a huge blue one. He figured that it was sadness.

They were trying to kill it for hours, but it was guarding the omega and couldn't be killed from the outside. Morris came up with a solution. If they couldn't kill it from the outside, what if they could kill it from the inside? It was boggling in his brain whether he should dive into its deep dark mouth or if he should keep fighting it?

He made a brave decision which was to dive inside and stick his piece of paper with the happy face on it on the Adam's apple to kill it. He leaped into the emotions mouth and choked it to death with the happiness. Amazingly, it worked and turned to dust leaving a large pile of sadness. They quickly ran past the pile and into the dam they could hear the Amega from around a kilometre away. It sounded similar to a loud fart. They started to build up speed so they could reach the Omega quicker. They finally reached the Omega which was blue. It was clearly the heart to the emotions. Morris and Austin made paper planes out of their happy drawings and pegged them at the Omega.

Boom!!! A loud horrifying sound took over the entire dam. The horrific sound gave Austin and Morris a fright sending a shiver down their spine. Finally, they had reached the Omega and had destroyed along with all of the hideous emotions lurking around the world ready to strike. It had all come to an end. They fell to their knees and covered their faces with the palms of their wet hands. They were so relieved that the war against the cruel emotions and humanity had stopped. They stood up, packed up all of the equipment they used and set of to their home. They finally reached Asheville, at the bottom of the mountain.

When they arrived, the wise man must have told everyone that the Austin and Morris were on a journey to save the village and humanity from the evil emotions that had tried to take over the world. They had set up an art gallery out of their appreciation and happiness. They knew that they put such hard work into their art and they wanted their artwork to be noticed by the locals and citizens of the village and tourists that may venture here. The second they walked into the art gallery, they immediately noticed streamers that were dangling by the ceiling. The people of Asheville announced that they hope that Morris and Austin do love the art gallery that they provided for them.

Morris and Austin were welcomed by the wise man that they met on their journey. He was the one that told them were the Omega was. The old man told them that the gallery was theirs and they were welcome to hang new paintings whenever. So they hanged their artworks in the gallery and were appreciative for the rest of their lives that the citizens of Asheville appreciated that they saved them and that they put such hard work into their artworks. And from that amazing day the old man was proud to have helped and presented Austin and Morris with all of his earnings.