Elvis J


Jack sat on the sofa in front of his small TV. He reached out grabbing the TV remote and blew on the remote, letting dust fly off into the air in front of him. He pressed the red button on the top left of the black remote turning on the tv. Jack always had to flick a few channels before he reached the correct channel, finally he reached the news.

“Mark Spencer has declared war against earth. He claims he will send a rocket today in 6 hours!” the TV announced.

Jack’s head dropped as his body slid down the unpleasant rough feeling of the sofa. Jack thought of himself with his family, they were all grouped up with their hands around each other, burning together, dying together. He held in his tears, causing his neck to ache. Finally a tear dropped onto his knee, he put his hand into his pocket squeezing the weight stone his grandfather gave to him before dying in Vietnam. He closed his eyes,

“I love you grandad,” he whispered before fading to sleep.


“Wake up you living potato sack, time to go to school!” Jack wished his mum was still alive, how could she even marry such a man. But Jack would not deny his order. He rolled off the rusty stale sofa. His eyes stung as he opened them slowly. He yanked open the stiff draws grabbing his dirty school uniform. His father never had washed Jack’s or his clothes before, he left that to mum. It should have been his dad dead that day, mum was working at the train station but didn’t see the train coming towards her. She filled in for dad at work, she died doing a favour. Jack exited the house through the the hole in wall, silently crying. Jack tended to to cry a lot, given the sadness he had lived.


Jack was pretty happy leaving home but he still had that Rocket on his mind. Jack felt he was the person to stop it. Walking to school he passed the intergalactic rocket transport facility, he noticed that the next rocket to Mark Spencer’s planet was about to launch.

“I could go, no, yes I could, no I couldn’t....”

He kept repeating to himself.

Before he even realised, he was climbing the thin wire fence, running towards the rocket and grabbing the massive red wing. He didn’t have the greatest grip because of how wet it was.

“Wait, am I doing this?” he asked himself, but it was too late to let go. It took off, pulling his shoulder and burning his feet from the fire at the bottom of the rocket. His shoes melted off his feet instantly. He thought for a second.

“Wait, I can’t breathe in space!” Just then something blue covered his body. It was see through and shiny. Jack was amazed at the spectacular sight.


Jack found himself gasping for air, not realising the unlimited oxygen given by the magic blue light covering him... he heavily blew out. He was... breathing! Jack wasn’t frozen either. He reached into his pocket grabbing the weight stone, the blue force field was coming from the stone. Jack’s hand was gradually slipping. *WHACK* a big meteor hit the wing of the rocket where his hand was, causing it to be impaled by the point on the edge of the wing.

“AAAAAH!” he screamed in pain. Suddenly around ten little meteors hit the rocket and Jack’s shield. Jack’s heart raced as he put his free hand over his head, they were coming so fast that fire surrounded them. He looked up and saw that they had bounced off his blue shield.


The ship landed directly in the middle of the “R” on the ground. Jack saw trees on the outside of the wire fence, they had purple leaves that contrasted with the bent towers in the distant city. As people exited the ship, Jack was spotted by a rather helpful lady. She carefully slid his hand off the wing and bandaged it with a white thin wrap. In no time Jack was out. The lady had kindly given him a map because she thought Jack was lost. That was helpful, now Jack could find Mark Spencer’s mansion where the rocket that was programed to destroy earth laid waiting.


Jack walked miles before he was standing behind the gates of the mansion. He attempted to climb the gate. *BEEP* he noticed a camera flashing red and then it stopped. Not long after, two guards come running out. Both about the same size and height, they were muscular, one had a shot gun, and one had a hand gun! Were they here for Jack? His question was answered when a bullet whizzed passed narrowly missing his face.


The man cocked his long gun again. Jack’s eyes widened before he ran as fast as possible. Running for his life, Jack never thought that it would come to this. As he ran, everything was silent. He just focused on one thing, that was his life! He ran further and further before he reached a mark. A sign stood before him, “Warning, quicksand.” There was a long, deep pool of quicksand with wooden boxes in it. Jack looked back, the two men were not far behind him. Jack focused and jumped onto a box, what other choice did he have?

Jack had managed to jump five boxes along before the two men got on the first one. Jack was about to jump to the next box before it blew up. The guard had smoke exiting from the tube of his gun. He grinned seeing that he had not given Jack an option. The men got closer and closer.

“Aah, screw this.” He bent his legs so that his heel was touching his bum, Jack sprung off the box. He was in the air before worrying about if he’d make it or not. He hit the quick sand, landing about knee high. The man with the shotgun appeared into Jack's sight. Jack had an idea. But he was sinking fast.

“C’mon over here you worm!” Jack knew he was taking a risk. The guy appeared, Jack grabbed the box in front of him, with all his strength he bent his arms back then forward again, throwing the wooden box at the man’s feet and causing him to fall forward into the quicksand. As the man struggled, Jack grabbed his gun and put the gun to his head.

“GET ON THE BOX and help me out of this quicksand!” yelled Jack with the gun in his face.

“ALL RIGHT, all right,” the man quivered.

The man grabbed the box and pulled Jack to safety out of the quicksand. At that moment, even though he didn’t want to, Jack pulled the trigger, sending a spray of bullets into the back of the man. He let out a short manly scream then fell forward into the quicksand. The man wiggled and panicked making him sink quicker. Jack showed no mercy. He got clear of the quicksand and began running again.


Jack ran for ages and ages. As he ran, an old man walking the opposite way caught his eye. Jack looked back not long after to see the second guard lying on the floor. He looked at the old man, but this time it was a better look. He looked like he knew everything about Jack. Jack felt the same way. He looked wise and he had a confident grin on his lips.

“Did you do that, to that guy, did you kill him?” Jack questioned the man.

“Was it the right thing to do, hitting him with my walking stick?” he asked Jack.

“Yeah, that guy was gonna kill me if it weren't for you.”

“Aah, good then. I see you are doing the correct thing, and you shall do it well,” the old man claimed. Jack looked at him weirdly, “You are here to stop the rocket aren’t you.”

“How do you know that?” Jack asked.

“Your school uniform is a school from earth, and you don’t have your mum or dad with you.” Jack was amazed at how quickly he put all that together. “Here take these, they are the codes to stop the rocket.” I wasn’t gonna ask how he got them.

“Oh and take this pistol, trust me it will be helpful. Here is the map to Mark’s mansion.” This old man man was most helpful.


Jack’s hair got in his eyes as the rain soaked it down. He was standing in front of the mansion. Jack stared, it was huge. But he had no time to waste, the rocket wasn’t going to stop itself. Jack ran over. He saw the keypad there in front of the big, white and red rocket. He pressed 1,3,7,9,6,8 it made a loud beep sound every time that he pressed a button. “Hey, kid, what are you… wait, you have my codes given them back there mine, you're stopping the rocket aren't you?” It was Mark Spencer, the psycho president.

He pulled out a gun and shot the keypad before Jack put in the last key. Jack turned around to see him in person. The rocket’s countdown began at 3,2… Jack pulled out his gun and shot it, shooting Mark Spencer in the middle of the chest.

Without any delay or time to consider his actions Jack said to himself, “Here goes nothing,“ and he slammed his already injured hand onto the wing of the rocket, going through the same hole the wing made on the way over to Mark Spencer’s planet.

The rocket took off with Jack attached to it. He watched Mark fall to his knees then to the ground. Dead. Jack climbed to the top of the rocket. The force field from his stone covering him again. He hit the rocket as hard as he could trying to get enough friction to get it to blow up.

He was not far from earth before he pulled out his weight stone. He said a quick prayer before throwing it on the rocket… *BANG*

Jack went flying towards earth. Fire surrounded him as he got closer. Finally

he hit the earth, making a gigantic dent in the ground. Jack laid on the floor presumably dead…

He let out a faint groan as he stood up with his hand on his head, Jack was dizzy and confused for a while before focusing again, Jack yelled, “Fine, I’m fine.” Jack was happy but still a bit dizzy.

He felt like a hero.


A crowd of people surrounded Jack cheering and yelling, but then they all stopped, except one person, his dad. His eyes were watery and he had a faint smile and a teardrop running down his red face. Jack let off a confident grin.

That night Jack was standing on a stage. In clean clothes.

“Jack Silver, we reward you a prize of… 100,000,000 dollars.” His father’s face lifted. The host clipped a badge on Jack’s chest with a picture of earth on it. Jack smiled, then looked at his dad. Jack bowed then grabbed the microphone.

“Thank you,” Jack said gracefully before dropping the microphone on the wooden stage making a loud screeching sound before he walked.


Jack headed home holding his dad's hand. His dad smiled at him then said,

“I am so sorry about how I acted, I’m sorry about your clothes as well.”

“Well, thanks,” Jack said smiling,

“Jack, close your eyes.” Jack closed his eyes pretty excited . His dad lead him a few metres before… “Now open.” Jack opened his eyes to a massive house with three stories white walls and sliding electric glass doors. “We were building while you were in Mark Spencer’s planet. Jack's eyes were shining in the moonlight, looking at the gigantic house before him. Jack slowly turned towards his dad and hugged him.

“You know, Mum would be so proud of you.” Jack closed his eyes.

Then whispered, “I love you grandpa. Could not have done it without you.”


Jack sat on the long couch in the second floor and grabbed the remote. He pressed the red button on the top right of the remote, turning on the TV. He flicked a few channels until the he reached the right one, and there it was, he did not see this coming, “As the son of Mark Spencer, I shall end what my father began, and this time, it shall not be stopped. By anyone,”


Jack is a young boy that has the fate of the world in his hands. As he sinks in quicksands, gets his hand impaled, nearly gets shot and needs to kill a president, Jack is only thinking about his planet. Jack was always very close to his grandfather, but can he help him get through this mess? Can Jack bypass guards and stop a rocket from blowing up his planet, and get rid of the President Mark Spencer?

‘‘This is one of the best stories I have ever read and anyone is fit to read it!’’

Foster Georgeadis