James R

Edward Johnson was working on a patient when he got a call from the front office, saying there was another patient that needed brain surgery urgently. “Hey Edward, how about I take this patient since you're already working one?” said Will, needing a response quickly.

“NO WAY! I can do it myself considering I’m the best at this job,” arrogantly shouted Edward through the corridors of the hospital, probably awakening all the patients. After work, he walked home in the bright beaming night sky to his expensive house. Edward woke up the next day and walked to a cafe. While he was walking, he tripped over a coffee cup that someone had left on the floor, and rolled down the mountain. “Oh my god. Whatever stupid person left their dumb coffee cup on the floor?” shouted Edward.

Afterward, Edward flew to Japan he then went to some tourist attractions. The first one was Kinkaku-ji then an alleyway, Edward looked around for a bit. Then he thought to himself, why would an alley be an attraction? My house is 20 times better than this place. Edward was still looking around when his eyes shot to this golden rim door with fantastic timber. He peered in through a little crack but he couldn’t see enough so, he fractionally opened the door. A cloud of dust sprayed onto his face making him look like a ghost. “Can’t people keep things clean around here? It's supposed to be a tourist attraction,” grumbled Edward, wiping his face. He didn’t realise he had just stumbled through the door. “AWW!” yelled Edward. “What is this place?” He said, as when he looked through the little crack he saw something different. He was still clearing the dust away from his eyes.

He walked around looking at the peculiar antiques and symbols inside these glass boxes. Without Edward seeing the do not touch sign he nudged one of the glass boxes, making it fall off the golden and blue pedestal. It smashed. “Hello,” said a strange stern voice, coming from the hallway. Then a man appeared. He looked like he was in his early fifties, dark brown wrinkled skin, a silk coat the colour of the sun with a black collar. His shoes were Japanese shoes, the colour of the night sky. “Hello,” said Edward. “What is your name?”

“My name is Takeshi, I’m the guardian of the magical books.”

Edward laughed. “What a stupid name.”

“It means fierce, violent or a warrior.” said Takeshi. Edward stopped laughing. He thought of staying at this place for one more night to find out the other mystic treasures.

The second day Takeshi taught Edward about the fire warp a defensive magical power to destroy bullets when being shot at you. After learning, Edward was walking around the place when he saw a room saying ‘Dimension Doors’. He walked through interested about what was on the other side. He saw these Japanese curtains all having a different label above them. So he decided to look at all of them. The first one was desert, second one amazon jungle, third one in the very depths of the pacific ocean and last one the ice cold Mount Everest.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering hit Edwards ears like a tazer electrocuting him, he ran to action. He ran down the hall and saw Takeshi all tied up, lying on the floor. Edward thought to himself should I first save Takeshi or kill the intruders then save Takeshi. Edward took the first approach. He untied Takeshi and they both ran to a corner so they couldn’t get seen. Edward said to him, “what should I use to help me kill them?”

“Use the levitating carpet. It's able deflect shots at you and you also can fly on it,” said Takeshi faintly, Edward ran round the corner up the stairs to the amour room.

The unfortunate thing was he didn’t have the slightest clue to use the levitating carpet. As his frustration grew, the more he wanted to scream but by doing that it would give the intruders somewhat idea where he was. Then as he started walking away suddenly, the carpet swooped him up so fast that he didn't have time to look down. He was confused. Why he was in the air flying? SWOOSH! Without any control of the carpet Edward flew smack bang into the middle of a pylon and then a sun mortal, one of the intruders.

The second that Edward saw him he remembered when Takeshi had told him about the sun mortals and the captain of the sun mortals called ‘Zane’ - He is strong. Very strong. There is only one magic power that he hasn’t obtained. Its named after Black Death, the assassin, ‘black death’.

“Hey” shouted the sun mortal that he had just crashed into with the carpet. “I’m about to wreck your face off.”

“Not if I wreck yours off first.” Said Edward, still unable to control his levitating carpet. Edward shot two red hot flaming fireballs at the sun mortal. Then he tried to get him trapped in a mirror realm. In doing that he got himself stuck in there. “Whoever created this dumb magic power, you are so annoying,” said Edward.

The mirror realm was where there was indestructible glass surrounding you that brings your deepest darkest fears to life. The only difference was they are all spiky, weird and crystal-ly. He walked round the strange floors looking for ways to get out. Edward was trying to stay extremely calm and keep his mind blank. But out of nowhere a big slimy disgusting snake slithered out of the floor. It was slithering around the cold hearted floor like a 2-year-old baby crawling on the floor. It was hissing with its long red crispy tongue. He tried not to scream but he couldn’t hold on for too much longer “AWW!” screamed Edward, as he ran around the ground frantically running and screaming like a headless chicken.

As he calmed down, the snake slowly crawled closer. It was so close he could it breathing on Edward’s frightened body. Then just as he thinks things couldn’t get any worse, a giant eyeball comes out of the wall and rolls round the floor creeping the living daylights out of him. Luckily, somehow Takeshi uses his powers to open the mirror realm and got him out.

Just after Edward had gotten out, the master of the sun mortals shot two air bender shots at him and Takeshi went into the jungle dimension. And all that Edward heard was his last words, “aww.”

Edward used all he knew to try and defeat the master but it was too late. The master had already gained the most powerful magic power in all of magical arts land (which only people with magic powers knew where it was). It could take down a tsunami and a nuclear bomb combined. Now all the master had to achieve was taking over the world. Just as the master was about to shoot Edward with a flame bolt, the levitating carpet came just in time to deflect the bolt right towards the master and got him confused. Then Edward came in and went flying on the carpet straight to the master and knocked him out cold.

Edward did something he never thought he could do. He took the powers away from him and became a GOD. He got Takeshi back from the Amazon jungle and went searching for the other 10 men. They were all in the armour room. Edward and Takeshi took down the men. BAM! SMASH! CRASH! 10 men lying dead on the floor piled up like bricks making a wall. All they had to do is get their powers and get rid of them. It was pretty easy for Edward considering he’d already done that They chucked them all in the desert. “Yes we did it, you and me,” said Edward. “Thanks from saving me and not letting me be a piece of meat to the snake.”

“And thanks for saving me and not letting me be a dead tree,” said Takeshi.

Edward realised being selfish isn’t good and now he has more friends because of that. He has 2 jobs now one a doctor, second one the GOD of magical arts. The one thing the one thing they both have in common is saving the world.