Jonah I

The Journey To Find Jake

Chapter 1:The Hidden Kidnapper

Sam coughed as the pollution entered the extremely small hole in his window.” Every day Malforia keeps getting worse,” said Sam. Malforia was a disease that kills everything, people, buildings, the ground, everything. Sam was 16 and he lived in the only building that was still standing. He lived with his twin brothers. Their names were Jonny and Jake and they were 17 years old. Sam woke his brothers up and said, “I will get my bow and arrows so we can go hunt some wild animals for dinner.” Jonny didn't want to go because he could never catch anything but Jake was excited to go as he had only been hunting a couple of times. Jake and Sam slowly walked out of their house to go hunt and hopefully catch a deer for dinner.

They arrived at the best hunting area in the forest near the horrendous village. This area had a couple of trees, which were mostly brown, a shallow creek with little water and small shrinking hills, but this was the only place you could really hunt any animals. Right there to the side of them was a wild deer and surprisingly it had all its body parts. Sam pulled an arrow out of his quiver and put it in the bow, he pulled the string back aiming at the deer’s head. Right when he was about to let go, he heard a sound like a twig snapping. Sam and Jake turned around to see what was there. As he turned around he accidentally let go of the arrow. The arrow hit a tree that caused the deer to run away. A huge ugly creature with one eye came out of the bushes. It looked like a cyclops, it was five meters high with red scaly skin. In his hands were two whips. Sam quickly grabbed an arrow but the cyclops whipped the bow out of his hand. The cyclops grabbed Sam by the shirt and threw him to the ground. Then the cyclops grabbed a bag from his pocket and quickly placed it over Jake's head. Sam got up as soon as possible ignoring the agonizing pain in his back and screamed, “Stop,” but he was too late, the cyclops had left with his brother.

Chapter 2: The Departure

Sam walked to his bow and slowly bent down to pick it up, ignoring the pain in his back. He tried his best to get home as soon as possible to tell his brother Jonny what had happened. They both grabbed a backpack and put all their necessities in it. Sam restocked his arrows and Jonny reached into the kitchen drawer for his hand knife. They knew they had to rescue their brother.

They walked back to where Jake was kidnapped and there were huge footprints in the direction that the cyclops went. Sam and Jonny knew they had to follow the footprints as this would lead them to their brother. As they were about to walk over the hill into the DARK REALM, they said their last goodbyes to their home as they knew they might never return.

Chapter 3:The Vultures Pit

They had been following the cyclops’s footprints for hours and still hadn't found their brother. They turned a corner then “Poof “, fast, hot, steam came out of the ground and separated Sam from Jonny . Sam rubbed his eyes and when he could see he saw trees with grey vultures on them. In the corner of his left eye he saw the footprints behind the trees that the vultures were standing on. Sam knew what he had to do. He walked onto the field and “Poof poof poof “, hot steam came out of the ground. He then realised that there was hot steam holes all over the field. He said, “This is going to be harder than I thought.” He stepped forward and twisted and turned to dodge the hot steam.

When Sam was half way through the field, the vultures started to charge straight at him. After a couple of seconds, vultures were trying to knock him out with their pointy beaks. Sam was twisting and turning trying to dodge the steam and the vultures. He was even using his bow and arrows to shoot the vultures down but just when he was about to exit the field he was hit on the head by a vulture's beak, and fell to the ground unconscious.

Sam slowly opened his eyes and lifted his body so he could stand up, but his hands were chained to the wall. When he looked around, he saw that he was in a pit with an arena above it, and sitting in the seats were the vultures. On the other side of the pit was his brother Jonny and he was chained to the wall also. Sam heard a noise and a cage opened. Sam and his brother’s chains came loose. Seconds after a tiger appeared from the cage. At that moment Sam knew that this could be his last day alive. He walked beside his brother so they could protect each other. The tiger tried to strike a couple of times but kept on missing as Sam and Jonny kept on dodging the tiger’s paws. The fight had been going on for ten minutes so a vulture opened a gate that would allow them to leave. The same vulture said, “You have one minute to exit, if not, we will never open the gate ever again.” That was when the tiger really got fired up. The tiger pinned Jonny down and tried to bite his head off but Jonny luckily kept on pushing the tiger aggressively away. Sam looked around trying to find something to help him and his brother win the battle. Out of the corner of his eye Sam saw his bow and arrows on the dusty ground. He grabbed it and shot the tiger. Then the gate started to close. Sam and Jonny ran quickly to beat the gate. Sam just slid under the gate but Jonny didn’t make it.

Sam slowly looked back to see his brother savagely being eaten. He fell to the ground and put his hands on his face. Tears slowly dripped down his face and fell to the ground. He slowly got up and said,

“This isn’t going to stop me from saving Jake, if anything it will make me stronger.”

Chapter 4:The Reveal Of The Hidden Kidnapper

Sam walked out of the arena and after a couple of steps he found the kidnapper’s track. He continued to follow it. Sam walked for a couple of hours until the path stopped outside a castle. It was a huge castle surrounded by steep walls and a golden door. Sam decided that he would climb the castle to the roof. He put his bow and arrows securely on his back, then Sam slowly started to climb the steep walls. When he was about to pull himself onto the roof he lost his footing and was dangling off the humongous building. Slowly, he threw his bow and arrows onto the roof. He tried his hardest to pull himself up, and eventually he did. Sam walked to the chimney and jumped down. It was hard for him because he was claustrophobic. He squeezed out of the small space and he could hear noises, so he walked towards them. He turned a corner and there was the cyclops and his brother. Sam asked, “Who are you and what do you want?”

The cyclops replied, “You really don’t recognise me!“

The cyclops pulled the mask off his head and said, “I am Jeremy and I am seeking revenge on you.”

Then Sam remembered, around a year ago Sam and his best friend Jeremy were in the bush playing with a lighter. The grass caught on fire as well as Jeremy's clothes. Sam left him in the fire to burn.

Jeremy said, ”The fire turned me into this ugly creature.”

Sam pulled out an arrow and fired it at the cyclops, but missed. The cyclops tried to whip Sam but Sam kept on rolling and dodging the cracking whips. The cyclops barged into Sam and he couldn’t get up. The cyclops used its whips to whip Sam flying into the wall. As the cyclops walked away he said, ”I’m dropping your brother in the LONELY MOUNTAIN lava pit.”

Chapter 5: The Last Battle

Sam slowly got up and walked outside the castle to walk to the lonely mountain. When he arrived at the lonely mountain he walked inside. It was like a bridge but lava at the other end and on the side. The cyclops and his brother were there. He looked below him and there was hot lava squirting next to him. He grabbed his bow and arrows but he accidentally dropped them into the lava. Now it was going to be a hand on whip challenge. Twisting and turning Sam was dodging the whips but he accidentally twisted into the space where there was lava all around him. The cyclops tried to knock Sam into the lava by charging into him but Sam quickly slid under the cyclops legs. Before the cyclops could turn around Sam kicked him into the steaming hot lava. The cyclops caught on fire and slowly disintegrated into the hot lava. Sam and Jake ran to each other and hugged tightly.

Jake asked,” where's Jonny?,

Sam replied with tears in his eyes, ”He didn’t make it.”

Sam and Jake began a long, sad journey home sadly walked back home. When they arrived at their village everything was different and had changed. The buildings and roads were starting to be rebuilt, there was no pollution and trees had green leaves growing. It was like when the cyclops died everything changed, and life began again.



Sam is a 16 year old boy who lives in a gruesome village with his two younger brothers. One day his brother gets kidnapped. All of a sudden Sam is on a journey to find his brother. The main question is who did this and why did he do it?