Philip A

I’m basically behind bars. My parents won’t stop talking to my baby sitter. I also hate how people at school bully me, they think I’m a baby. I’m really sick and tired of it! Seriously, why can’t they be called awesome kid sitters or grade 5 sitters, anything along the lines of that. Just not BABY sitter. It’s like they purposely want to annoy me! Anyway, the reason why I’m experiencing torture right now is because the ocean is calling me to come out for the salty taste, the salty scent and the small waves crashing. When my parents finally stopped talking and went to bed and baby sitter left, now was my chance.

I carefully and silently creeped out of bed to the backyard, snatched my special inflatable pool and I dashed to the front yard as silently as a ninja. “Yes!” I muttered in glee. Now what I call freedom is in my hands. But at midnight on the dot, there was the complete opposite of a small wave.

BEEP, BEEP. My watched vibrated. “Time to get back inside… wait wha?!” I said in deep confusion. I wanted to scream but no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I breathed in, it just wouldn’t come out. I looked all around me just to find ocean. When I looked behind me there was just a wall of water. “This wave!” I said. “That's what took me here.” I was still trying to rub my eyes to see if this a dream or not. It wasn’t a dream. At first, I thought it was a tsunami moving super slowly.

I calmed down. “Why is this wave moving so slowly?” I said to myself. I looked directly up to find that there was a supermoon! That’s when I realised this was tidal wave. “That means I’ll be home in 24 hours!” I said in relief. “Besides what else could go wrong.” I was wrong.

Behind me I saw a silhouette of a shark, it was basically on my tail. I had to let a scream go. “AHHHHHH.” But this time the scream was so high pitched that it made the fish drift to the right. “I must have stuffed up their echolocation,” I said, giggling. “Anyways I will just take a nap for now.”

An hour later…

I must have been so exhausted; I fell fast asleep in that hour. But I woke up to a ‘thump’. It took me a few minutes to even open my eyes and be 100% conscious. “I must have hit land,” I said softly. “Wait, if I hit land, I must have lost the tidal wave and I’ll be stranded here!” I looked for the wave until I saw it was about a 1000m in front of me just about to past the horizon. I hopped off my inflatable up the shore to find there was some kind of war going on or attack. I saw injured people dead bodies and crying. This may be the most pain I’ve felt (emotionally) in my entire life. I wanted to help so badly but I can’t waste another microsecond. I gulped in fear, “I have to run flat out until I reach the wave.”

I was puffing though I haven’t even started running.

There I was, basically running through a never ending minefield but the mines are flying in the air at incredible speeds. If a historian was seeing this their first thought would be World War 3. I had no idea why but every bullet just missed me. It was like if they were purposely trying to shoot me but if this was their first time touching a gun. I was slowing down rapidly due to hunger because food is energy, energy is movement, movement is survival.

But what I call heaven was next to me. A small destroyed croissant store. I put my hands on anything I could eat that was fresh. I ate like pig resulting with crisp bread surrounding my cheeks or falling to the ground like a snowflake. Due to the food, I was able to go flat out and then I was finally back on track on the tidal wave.

I only just started to think of not only how lucky I was to survive, but lucky I was for my inflatable survived. “I would have been stranded in devastating violence,” I muttered with fear and relief. That moment was like if you're on a plane and you go through a high voltage clouds with tornadoes with winds over million mph.

plane was about to crash but the captain just got back in control and the plane is back in control of an altitude of 1 ft. For the rest of my life I’ll just think how lucky I am that I wasn’t dead, hungry, harmed or in danger.

It wasn’t long after sunset; it was about 5-6 hours until I was back home. But I just worked out the WORST equation that can happen right now. “beautiful place plus beautiful time equals CRUISE SHIPS.” But then I saw something climbing the horizon. At first, I thought it was a tall tower standing on no land. But when it came closer I realised it was CRUISE SHIP!

“OF COURSE!” I screamed while crying.

It was directly in front of me, now only by a few hundreds of metres now.

Another equation popped into my head. “Crash into cruise ship = lose tidal wave=DEATH.

I was sobbing badly. Water raced out of my eyes like if they were lasers. It was the end of me. Every micro second I was getting faster directly into the cruise ship like an asteroid just about to hit earth at the speed of light.

But then the coolest thing and most unbelievable thing happened. The tide tipped over the cruise ship! My mouth dropped. The tide lifted me to side of the ship. I climbed on while just being able to grab the inflatable. When I got up I saw hundreds of people drowning. “Lucky I caught the inflatable.” I said while feeling proud. “Hang on,” I shouted. I threw it down to the people. They were now able to get out their phones and call 000 for help.

I knew that I was safe but only most of the other people were as well. The police arrived in about an hour after that. There were thousands of helicopters coming like it was World War 2. Just the guns weren’t firing. They were somehow able to hold everyone. I got my inflatable inflatable back. People also thanked me.

“I guess it’s a smooth ride home,” I said while feeling confident. Inside I still couldn’t believe I survived this journey. The helicopters took us to the local police station. Surprisingly the station they took me to was only a few minutes by car. I could tell because when we were descending I saw my house not that far away.

Most people were with their family so their parents just got a taxi and left. Luckily I knew my parents phone number. So I borrowed a phone of a person who hadn’t left the station yet and called my parents.

“Hello its Philip,” I said.

I heard sobbing. “Who is this,” my parents said, crying.

“Uhh It’s me your son?!” I said in confusion, because they didn’t even know it was me at first.

The sobs slowly fade. “Wait its Philip.” They softly said about to scream.

“Yeah look, can you pick me up, I’m at the local police station.” I said.

“You got arrested?” They said in astonishment.

“No,” I sighed. “I will tell you the story at home.”

My parents arrived. They wouldn't stop asking questions like “are you ok?’ or ‘where were you?

But one question that my dad asked that changed my life. “Do you have the house keys?” I felt confident at first. “Yeah they're right here...uh oh.” I said in complete shock. I knew I was dead.

When we arrived home, we couldn’t enter because of me. This maybe hard to believe but we have very little security in house. So we were able to shatter one of the windows. So we swapped that window as the front door and the front door as a window. We were could also afford a touch ID security to open the front door. I did promise my parents I’d say the story but I’ve been speechless ever since that moment. Life was normal after that. Except for one thing, I have to resist the oceans calls of the salty taste, the salty scent and the small waves crashing.