Marc G

Bang!!! Something must have fallen off one of the shelves in the attic, so I went to investigate. When I reached the stairs that lead me to the attic, I heard these voices. They were saying, “touch me!” The voice was booming and I could feel a gravitational pull on me as I was dragged up the stairs and into the darkness. There in the middle of the room, floating, was my grandfather’s vintage oiler bottler. It was illuminated with varieties of colors red, blue, green and many more. My brain is squashed with thoughts; should I touch it or shouldn't I? Little did I now what was on the other side of the some sort of portal. Then I saw my mum and dad in the portal. I did not want to risk maybe not seeing my parents again so I touched it. Out of nowhere a white flash blinded me. When my eyes recovered and focused, I regretted recovering from the shock.

All I saw was fire, bomb shells and other dangerous goods. There was a strong force that was so great it nailed me to the floor. I felt a cold blade on my throat. I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was, until I heard a muffled voice saying “who are you?”

“Tom Clasy,” I responded.

Then the stranger took the knife of my neck and said, “I am James, leader of all soldiers. Now get inside the bunker. We are expecting an air raid, led by our arch nemesis General.”

When we were inside, there were more people with weapons. “What year are we in?” I asked James.

“2040 world war 3”

“WHAT?” I cried. Then the ground shook. “What was that?” I said nervously.

“Oh, that was just the General, bombing the upper world.”

“Wait, who is the general?”

“Oh, that guy. He was the reason why world war 3 started.”

“How did I get here?” I asked.

“Your grandfather is general and he wanted you to come here so he can kill you. That’s why he has been missing for so long. We need you on our team so you can stop him. You are the only person in this entire world of misfortune who can do it. Are you in?”

“Ok, I will help you if you can some how get me back to my time.”

“DEAL,” we said together.

“First, we need a plan to stop general from getting his supplies.”

“The plan is we go on a journey up to his base. Then we stick sticky bombs to his and blow the hatch open. Then we raid the bunker and eliminate general during the process. Alright? Let's go.”

James loads me up with weapons. As they climbed up the ladder to exit, enemies try to invade the base. “Fire!” James calls and fired! When the bloodbath was over, we climbed out of the bunker and there were two dirt bikes. “We can take those up to the bunker. Oh, I forgot to tell you mate, the bombs have a timer on them.” BANG! Another enemy vehicle turned up and started firing. “We only have 24 hours to get the bomb up the mountain and stop the general.”

James sighed, “I will hold the enemy off and then I will catch up with you.”

“Wait, Tom do you know how to ride a dirt bike?”

“Of course I do mate. Our family has a farm with about 20 dirt bikes on it.”

“Well, what are you waiting for - ride!” 50 minutes later, James appeared out of nowhere. “You were quick,’’ I said but he did not respond. All he said was, “stop.’’ I did not hesitate. There was a gush of wind and a blizzard hit. The flakes felt like knives diving into my face. Then strangest thing happened.

A figure came out of the shadows. Then it became clear - it was a wolf. It started growling at me. When James came, it stopped growling. “Good boy Flash,” James said. “Was there any trouble up there?” The wolf nodded. “That means that we have to use the blizzard to our advantage.” James said.

I pulled one of the time bombs out of my bag and noticed there was only one minute left. “Who cares about the blizzard. There is only one minute left until the bomb explodes,” I cried. I started sprinting fast as I could. As soon as I saw the base I threw bomb and it only had 2 seconds left.

1 millisecond before it exploded, I found myself back at my house still alone. I cannot believe I just killed my grandfather, I thought. How am I going to explain this to my parents? Was it a dream?