Hussein A

Jack ran straight out of his room at the speed of a motorbike. His mum was shouting out so loud that people could probably here her from blocks away. His mum was really scared. It was Jack’s baby brother, Jerry. He was super sick. His face was as red as an apple. He was crying so loud his screams pierced the air. We quickly dialled 000. They arrived at the speed of light and told us he only had 48 hours left of life.

At that moment, Jack knew something had to be done. He went to the doctors. Jack told the doctor everything. The doctor said there was only one way to save the baby and that was to get the diamond stone. The diamond stone was the only stone that could heal a baby. The Diamond stone must be rubbed into the belly of the sick baby by a blood relative.

So Jack left right away. He told his Mum everything. She agreed because that it was the only way to save his baby brother. So Jack left his house to save his brother. He took as many food supplies that he could fit in his bag.

His two friends Daniel and Alex asked their parents if they could come along their parents let them come because it was really important. Jack still had 26 hours left of time but they had to hurry up. While Jack, Daniel and Alex were walking they realised that they could take a car. They went back to Daniel’s house because he could drive. After they left Daniel’s house Jack, Daniel and Alex arrived at Greenland bush. “This is the bush that the doctor told Jack to go to,” said Jack.

“He said follow the left path. It could lead us to Stone Island,” said Daniel.

So they followed the left path. After a few hours of walking the teenage boys were tired, hungry and really thirsty. They took a quick rest. A few minutes later, Jack and his friends continued walking, while they were walking they smelt (inhale) seaweed. So they followed it then they stopped.

“Look left! Look right! Wow!” said Alex. “Look at that sign it says road to Stone Island.” So they followed the sign. Then they stopped at a portal. It was amazing it had a glowing light which look green and blue put together. “Let’s go in,” said Jack. “We have 18 hours left. Our only enemy is time”

“Guys, are you ready to jump?” said Alex, nervously.

“I was born ready,” said Jack and Daniel.

“Wooooo!!!! Wow, Stone Island. I've been waiting for this,” said Jack.

“There are so many stones,” said Daniel, “but where is the diamond stone. That’s the only thing we really need.”

’Let’s search the island,” said Jack. “We can go check out that tree.” There was nothing there. “What about that cave?”

“Actually, that’s a pretty good idea,” Daniel smiled.

“Hey hey,” said Jack. “Look. I see the Diamond Stone. It’s so shiny, it’s crystal blue!”

“But look in front of us. It’s a huge bridge with lava below it. How are we going to get across?” said Alex.

“I don't know,” said Daniel.

“We have to do it it’s the only way to save my brother,”,said Jack,

As Jack and his friends walk slowly along the bridge, Alex nearly fell off the bridge. It was so close but luckily Jack caught him in less than 10 seconds! If Jack didn't catch him he could have died.

“Drive faster!!!” said Jack, in frustration.

Yes, home! They parked in the driveway. Jack ran straight into his house. He saw the baby and sprinted right to him. His face was still and he was as red as an apple. Jack rubbed the diamond stone around the belly of his brother, you could see he was healing up. His face was going back to normal. A few minutes later, he was laughing and giggling with his whole family. Everyone was relieved. Jack’s baby brother Jerry was back to normal. Everyone was cheering and celebrating for Jack and his family.