Ethan F

Chapter 1

The Disappearance

James arrived home from work to see the door of his house open. He was tired from working at his shoe shop. He entered the house cautiously to find the house trashed and his family missing. He quickly went into action and called the police. They informed him that he was not alone and that many people had reported their families missing. In a panic he dropped the telephone and fainted.

He awoke and found himself in a daze. He walked outside and saw the skyline covered with clouds. The wind was howling and he could hear a low pitched voice which appeared to be coming from above saying, “Surrender your planet to me or I will destroy everyone who lives on it”.

Confused and unsure of what to do, James headed to the local beach. He would often take a walk on the sand whenever he felt stressed. He hoped this would calm him down and help him think straight.

Walking by the sea he noticed a green bottle with a paper in it. Curious as to what he would find, he picked it up and opened the bottle. To his surprise he found a message and a map with 5 Xs marked on locations he could see from where he was standing.

The message instructed the finder to collect 5 orbs which would allow entry into a number of different dimensions. Curious to find out more, James headed home and researched the message.

What he found sent him into a panic. The orbs could be used to enter different dimensions and change the course of history. In the right hands, disasters and catastrophic events could be reversed, but in the wrong hands the orbs could be used for evil. He then realised that his family’s disappearance must be linked to the message in the bottle.

Suddenly, on his laptop a message appeared. It said, “My name is Chip and I have found the first orb which has taken me through a portal to the Lava Dimension. If you want to follow me go to my house - you have 24 hours to enter otherwise the portal will close forever. There may be something here that you value.”

James decided to go on the journey - it just may bring his family back. After obtaining the relevant details, James headed to Chip’s house. There he found the portal but as he entered it lighting struck and James found himself in a video game called Mario.

Chapter 2

Portal Gun

The video game was located in a gaming arcade and James was the Mario character. He knew in order to stay alive the tall and punky kid who looked like a gangster, had 3 chances of getting it right. After 3 mistakes the game would end and James would die. He had no choice but to surrender to this child.

He was being controlled to jump and dodge obstacles. His objective was to finish the course and obtain the portal gun. To his surprise and thankfully for James, the puny kid was a Mario expert.

Having reached the portal gun, James had no idea what to do with it. He noticed a label that said Lava Dimension so he pressed the button and to his surprise a portal appeared in front of him. He stepped into it and before him was a magnificent castle. As James approached the castle a giant half robot half human appeared with a controller in his hand. Standing behind him was a huge red and black robot that had a fire ball launcher replacing for his lift hand robot.

Chapter 3

Control the Robots

The robot started to shoot fireballs at James and he could hear the unusual figure roaring with laughter. He knew then that Chip had tricked him into entering the portal and he had no intention of helping him find his family.

James dodged five fireballs before he managed to pick up a metal shield that was placed against a rock. He used the shield to protect himself but got hit in the leg. He collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious.

He woke up to find Chip standing over him, but this time he was fully human. Chip explained that on finding the orb and entering the Lava Dimension he was captured by a King who turned him into an evil monster. He used Chip to lure people into the portal and held them prisoners in the castle dungeon. The evil king wanted to rule more than the Lava Dimension, he wanted to rule earth. It was his voice that James had heard that dreary afternoon.

What the king hadn't realised was that his spell on Chip would only last 24 hours. James and Chip agreed to work together to control the robots and destroy the evil king. They hatched a plan and with weapons they collected, made their way to the castle.

Chip entered the castle wearing a cloak which hid the fact that he was now human. Close behind him and out of sight was James. Together they ambushed the king and retrieved the orb. They used the controllers to manipulate the robots into freeing all the prisoners.

Chip took the lead by stepping out of the portal. The prisoners followed with James the last person to leave the Lava Dimension and make his way back home. He had his family back.

Chapter 4

Home sweet Home

Much to the town’s relief everyone returned home safely. People were so appreciative of James’ efforts and started to buy shoes from his shop. They came from all around the world and with so many orders, James teamed up with Chip and they opened up a shoe factory.

Chip and James collected the 5 orbs and agreed that they would not tell anyone else about them. They stored them in a safe place in a lava pond in a dimension that no one would ever find. Where it would never be found by good or evil.


James’ family go missing and the only way to get them back is to travel through a portals to a different dimensions.

The journey is risky and scary. There is only one reason anyone would expose themselves to such danger - it is to save their family and the world.

Will James survive or will this be the end of them all?