Guy G


The Last Brigadier

Sirens whirred into action as flames built up in the engine room where the workers were. Screams can’t be heard in space due to the lack of air, if sounds could be heard in space silence would have been broken. Music played in my ears as I was operating on a new species of plant with my lucky tweezers and lab coat, completely ignoring the sirens that should have been flashing in my ears. I had no idea what was really going on as I worked for days and days. I looked through the door window. I saw the stars in space but this was a door window and there was supposed to be a room on the other side, not empty space. This was bad, very bad!. I had an idea if I let enough air out of the spaceship I could in theory push the spaceship onto the surface of a nearby planet. So I grabbed a hoe and shoved it into the metal walls of the spaceship. I started nailing the metal hoe into the walls of the spaceship, smashing it frequently till it was tight then suddenly I ripped the wall open. Air flew out of the ship as I was turning purple, suddenly I slammed the door shut. I was asleep and glad to be, actually I was passed out.



Flames flew from the sides of the spaceship, I was awake but I wasn't glad to be. We were entering orbit now! This was so exciting almost a new frontier. Although I was awake I wasn’t glad to be. Suddenly water flushed past the window as the ship spun out of control. In a split second I realised I had an eject button, I smashed it. Suddenly I shot out of the top of the ship as I rocketed through the water gasping for air. My chair came to rest on the top of the water. I Slept for days until suddenly a halt, my chair was dug into the sand, it was LAND FINALLY! My fist flew into the air. But I needed to find civilisation then a way to get home.



Lights flashed from the sky, I peaked through some bushes and I saw rows of monuments like a civilisation, a city. If I got too close they would catch me out and interrogate me. I saw a costume store, everything looked so weird inside it. I thought to myself I might not like it but I have to blend in otherwise it would blow my cover in this stinky jumpsuit. I crept around the back of the store to see if there was an entrance. There was a vent at the back of the store. It was super dusty but I got though and dusted myself off. I was behind the store. I crawled silently over to the clothes area to get a disguise (normal human clothes). I crept back through the vent with my disguise. I slowly put it on behind a bush. I had on a brown jacket, some denim jeans and some weird boots that looked like a space pig rolled in them. I slowly stepped out of the bush and. I started walking down main street. Suddenly everyone started to look at me and I think a bird died, I was so embarrassed.

Suddenly a thought of sadness shot through me like a bullet piercing my heart as people lay on the street without homes, families or friends it must be so boring and sad. I wish I could help I didn’t know how to though. I wanted to see something that caught my eye. Suddenly something did, an alien store. There was some very fancy creatures and they were all locked up in cages. Had they done a bad deed? It was cruel to do this maybe I could adopt one. I walked into the store to see what else was there. I could get someone to help me. Suddenly a lady behind a desk asked, “Would you like anything sir, a cat, dog, fish, mouse, hamster?” “No”, I said, “I’’d like a sidekick not something that can only say woof.” The lady looked at me weirdly and said impolitely, “Check the street ya weirdo.” That just gave me an idea, “Thanks,” I said.

I walked back onto the street and down through an alleyway. I walked and walked. I felt I was being watched. I looked down, there was feet behind my feet. Suddenly I swiftly turned around and caught a punch with my left hand. It was a homeless man, his desire for money was too great that led him to fight. I flipped the man with my other hand onto the ground, my opponent was knocked out. Suddenly a voice from the side of the alley said, “WOW! THAT WAS AMAZING! Where did you come from?” A young boy ran to me from the side of the alleyway. It was a smaller one, he was young and dirty like a rat (no offence). “I can be your guide, what's your name?” “Classified,” I said. “My name is Ben it’s going to be hard getting this hamster of my tail.


Down for the Taking

I started walking down main street with the kid. I was speeding up so the kid couldn't catch me but he sped up too and questions started flowing faster than I could think like, “Do you have a pet? Can you cook? How old are you?” suddenly it was enough so I shouted!” “But, nope, this is enough! Your questions come to me like bullets and I don’t know what they even mean, this is ridiculous!” I started walking away faster and faster until there was no one behind me.


I decided to come back to apologise to Ben. I walked down the same streets as I did the night I came here and then went through the same alleyway that I found Ben, but Ben wasn't there. He must have left. This was one of the darkest moments in my life. I was walking in the alley when something caught my eye, it was a note I had never seen one before. It said, Come to ashy fields or the boy gets it ps we are watching you.




I ran and ran and ran. I was carrying a gun just in case. The fields were dark grey and ash like I was standing on an erupted volcano. There were three seats and three children. Everyone had masks on. “We've been watching you for a long time. The Pentagon, C.I.A they all couldn't find you you are the land of the rainbow gold.” “Let him Go!” I shouted. “There are three choices. Choose wisely it's a win lose.” Three guns rose from arms. Suddenly silent voices cried and then suddenly silenced. The right child was chosen but an end has met me. New heroes always rise and Ben had lived on.