Jonathan Z

Travelling Through Worlds

Chapter One: The Discovery

Mike’s heart pumped frantically. As he ran through the forest he could hear the lumberjack he always stole from, but today the lumberjack was more eager to get him.

“GIVE MY MONEY BACK!” the lumberjack yelled.

Mike ignored what the lumberjack said and kept running deeper into the lush forest.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” the lumberjack threatened through his shortness of breath.

The lumberjack drew out his axe and launched it towards Mike. He ducked as the axe narrowly missed the top of his head and hit the tree in front. Mike conveniently plucked the heavy axe and claimed it as his own by putting it on the back of his belt. He turned and saw the lumberjack stop for breath. Mike saw his chance his chance to escape in the undergrowth.

Mike kept running until he knew he had lost the lumberjack. He came to a stop and gazed at a hoop with lights as colourful as the northern lights. Mike had heard a legend about this with the village elders. Many years ago a boy ran into the forest and was never found ever again. People say the boy went through a portal just like the ring. He knew it was the portal. Mike wanted to check out what was on the other side and if the legend was true. So he walked through the portal. When he entered the portal there were bright lights. Mike got blinded by a bright light. Suddenly a rock smashed his head causing him to be knocked out.

Chapter Two: To the New World

Mike woke up, amazed to come out in a land he didn't know. He then thought about how he was going to get home. Mike had a feeling that he was not safe here. Someone wanted him. He was stuck in a land he didn't know with no food and no water. The gigantic red hills towered over him. A tall grey castle told him he was not alone. The owner of the castle was over protective and had put a lava pit around the castle. Growls and screams gave Mike goosebumps. Mike then saw a big metal billboard. It said,

‘Welcome to San Rookma, where happy thoughts are lost’.

Mike had no choice but to wander around and find help. So he walked in the empty place.

Mike finally found a man in a cape near the billboard. He had a hoodie over his head and had a mask.

The man just took one look at Mike and said, “Follow the path, there you will find help.”

Mike didn't trust him but he was the only one there with any help. So he took the path. Half way down he saw a sign. It said, “Howler’s territory.”

‘What's a Howler?’ Mike thought to himself.

Mike then found himself under a shadow. He looked up to see a creature. It had long slimy hands and long slender legs. It had eight eyes and it had lava in its mouth.

Chapter Three: The Howler

Mike froze so the monster would not attack. He kept shaking in fear and this caused the monster to roar.

Mike ran away to escape the howler. Somehow the howler followed behind picking up speed. He kept turning back and every time he did the monster was a metre closer.

Mike just then saw something that might save his life. A cave. The monster could definitely not go through the cave because the howler was too big. Mike then thought if the man told him to go down a hostile monster’s territory then the cave might be bad as well. Mike ignored this thought and just ran through the cave. He was safe because the howler couldn’t fit the cave. Just then he saw a sign. It said, “The cave of bad luck.” He knew he should've not trusted the man. Mike was not having a good day. The howler started throwing up lava in the cave.

Chapter Four: The Cave of Bad Luck

The heat of the lava told Mike to run. He went deeper into the cave. He couldn’t see if he was too far away from the lava but he couldn't be too close or he would die.

One thing he did not want was a dead end. With a twist and a turn there it was, a dead end. He could not go back. He saw a pickaxe on the ground. He grabbed it and hit the top of the cave. CRASH!! He made a hole. He crawled through and jumped out the cave. Just then his pants got stuck on a rock. He got his hand and pulled the rock. The rock fell down to the lava. He tumbled out the hole and grazed his arm. He was amazed at how he survived that. He looked around and saw a massive tall tower surrounded by other small towers. He saw these towers before. He thought for a bi. It was the castle. Up close, Mike could see every detail.

Chapter Five: Entering the Castle

Mike thought he might get something in the castle to help him get home, so he tried to get into the castle. The castle had no one protecting it so he simply walked right in. He was worried if someone wanted him there. Could it be this easy? There he saw the man in the cape, hoodie and mask. The man took his mask off and put down his hoodie. The man put a cigarette in his mouth‍‍. He wore a crown saying King Dagger.

King Dagger was angry and said, “How dare you, peasant, come into my land.”

Mike felt like he shouldn’t have came here. King Dagger threw a knife at Mike. Mike ducked as the knife zoomed past His ear and hit the wall. Mike grabbed the Knife from the wall and was ready to fight.

Chapter Six: The Fight

Mike had a very slim chance that he would win this fight. He had no fighting skills and he was a child. He had no knowledge of this castle and place, but he had courage. Dagger got his sword from his belt and swung the sword. It just narrowly missed Mike’s head. Dagger head locked Mike and choked him.

Dagger cackled and said, “You are going to die and I will give you a little secret… I killed your parents. I got there by the portal.”

Mike had an image of his parents getting killed. Mike had lost it. He smartly got the axe and hit Dagger’s head. Dagger fell down motionless and dead. Mike then saw a blinding light.

“Mike,” a voice said, “You have fulfilled your destiny. If you wish you can be the king of this land. If not you can return to your normal life as a thief,”

Mike thought about it and answered that he wanted to go home. ZAP!! In a blink of an eye there sat the portal. Mike ran in and finished his adventure.

Chapter seven:The Return Home

Mike found himself in the forest where his journey had begun. He sat dazed for a while. He had survived his stay in San Rookma. He was never going through a portal ever again. He saw something in the distance. The thing was a shape of a man. Mike thought he had seen the man before. It was the lumberjack and he had spotted him...



Join Mike as he journeys to discover a dangerous and magical world he finds in a forest. But believe me, things don’t go to plan. Mike has to survive many difficult tasks. Will he be able to get back home?

‘This is a great story of adventure and fantasy.’

Tim age10