Anthony B

Ali was a 17 year old orphan who lived in the back alleys of Beijing.

Ever since his parents died in a car accident when was 10 years old he has practiced kung fu, martial arts and boxing. Ali wore an Envy scooter t-shirt and cargo pants which he stole from his next door neighbour. The best part of his clothes was his heart, it could produce chi energy which gave him immunity and also allowed him to make huge and powerful energy waves. Ali adored dumplings because before his parents died they use to own a dumpling store.

It was a gloomy day, the mist made his legs shiver. Ali was going on his daily jog which helped him regain his power for fighting. Ever since his parents died, he had trained himself to never be late, but today might just be that day. Ali was walking towards the temple's main door when suddenly a light beamed through one of the other temple doors. Zapp! Ali jumped back in fear, scared that he was about to die. He stumbled and fell on the floor... Bang! Ali got up to the old bronze and rusty handle of the door but couldn’t open it because it had a strong force pushing it back. Zap. The next moment, Ali was in Mr and Mrs Wong’s dumpling store. Above the shop door there was a sign, that said welcome to E.T’s kingdom.

Ali fainted.

Ali later woke up to find there were ninjas attacking the kingdom. Ali got up and thundered, “no one destroys dumplings on my watch.” He then threw slice kicks at them but that wasn’t going to do it. He pulled back his leg and arms and then… Puff! Waves of energy came out of Ali like ripples in the sea, it pushed all the ninjas to the ground like chopped down trees. All the crowd from the kingdom chanted, “you saved us and the dumplings, YAHH!”

E.T, the king of the kingdom was woken from his sleep in his golden chamber. He was wondering what all the commotion was about. E.T was a devilish bunny who only cared about himself. That’s what happens when you have no one to question you, and you only have half of a heart. Ali dragged all the ninjas to the kingdoms jail so they could not hurt anyone else.

Ali wasn’t ready for what was coming for him. The truth was that Ali didn’t know that E.T had controlled his whole life. E.T caused the car accident that killed his parents. He was also the reason Ali had a heart as strong as a god. He brought Ali to his kingdom so he could regain the other half of his heart that he gave to Ali when he was born. He gave Ali half of his heart so Ali could grow the chi energy within his heart.

“Put this young man in jail,” screamed E.T as happy as larry. Ali ran to E.T and tried to throw a punch at him but missed. It was like there was a force field around him. This was no ordinary jail, it was a battery drainer that would take away Ali’s chi energy. Before they could finish the last lock on his chains, Ali broke free and sliced kicked the guards and upper cut them, it was like a street brawl. Ali then sprinted in anger to E.Ts chamber and threw a punch at him but nothing happened, even the Randy Orton’s R.K.O. didn’t work.

E.T walked around Ali throwing fire from his bare hands. Ali couldn’t see him because he had turned invisible. Ali was burnt like an eye-fillet, all of his veins were popping like pork belly in your mouth.

“The truth is I brought you here, I sent the ninjas to attack the crowd,” bellowed E.T in laughter.

Ali was so angry his whole body was glowing with chi energy. Bang! It was like a nuke the whole kingdom was wrecked. After the explosion E.T’s head was still moving around the floor. It had survived the explosion. ALi didn’t know that ET’s head had survived so he just kept dancing because he was so happy. But then suddenly Ali felt cold and passed out.

While Ali was knocked out, many years passed by.

The kingdom changed its name to the legend of the New Comer. Eventually Ali woke up to find his hands were glowing. This was the ultimate power which would finally give him the immunity at the age of 21. Ali woke to notice crowds and crowds of people outside his own infirmary and then a smile popped from his face. As he grew older he started to help the communities, such as building loads of advance and mind boggling dojos, pharmacies with highly equipped doctors and his very own family dumpling store. As well this he owned 51% of Mr and Mrs Wong’s dumpling store which they gave to him.

“Best present ever: a kingdom, a huge profit of money, a dumpling store, living for ever but most importantly respect, but only if mum and dad was here,” Ali muttered to himself. Ali never knew how the car accident happened that his parents died in. In the end Ali never gave up trying to be a good person, he was a hard worker and helped many people.

Ali was always remembered by his kingdom and the stories that people pass on to each other. I am a 17 year old orphan that conquered the world and beat his dreams, Ali screamed. The last words of Ali before he disappeared was, “the key to my life was that I never gave up.” Ali had a quote that motivated the world. “Somethings in life are bruises that can be fixed but there are broken bones that can always scar you for life like a missing person.” It motivated the world because people noticed everyone was happier when they don’t sweat about the small stuff. They noticed how well Ali’s examples of greatness proved that he was a true leader that started from nothing.

“Yahh!” Ali howled while fighting an opponent. Ali never gave up fighting because that’s what made him happy.