Youssef T

Steve was sitting down at the kitchen table when he heard a strange rattling noise coming from the attic. He decided to check it out. When he got to the attic ladder, Steve heard a mysterious voice. “Come to me,” it repeated, over and over again. Steve refused to go up. His gut was saying go up, but his brain was saying the opposite. Steve climbed up the ladder and saw two black figures standing next to a floating and glowing oil can. The voices got louder and louder as he walked forward closer. When he saw the shadows moving, he turned around and tried to run but he couldn’t. The oil can was pulling him closer and closer.

When only his head was outside of the portal the shadows turned and followed him. He woke up in a different world it seemed. He had a bottle of water in his bag. He took a sip of the water and followed the two men who were walking away from him. They ended up in a cave with writing on the wall. The tall man with a grey beard said some words in a deep voice. A door opened with large staircase leading underground. He brought him down the stairs to a place with fire everywhere.

The tall man said, “we’ve brought you here to save your world. You must go through two trials. The first trial is you must defeat a demon. Secondly, you must is beat the devil.”

Steve didn’t have a clue how he was going to beat a demon and the devil. Maybe I could splash the demon with water, he thought.

So the demon walked up to Steve and tried to punch him. Steve dodged it and then splashed the demon with water and punched it to the ground. A pedestal appeared with a shield and a bionic arm. He hooked the arm onto his arm and it clipped around his arm. Then he felt the ground shaking. He thought it was an earthquake. Later, he realised it was the devil. He was huge. He threw a fireball at Steve but he blocked it with his shield. He jumped up and punched him and sent him flying to the ground.

Another pedestal appeared with a hoodie and a magical orb. He grabbed the hoodie and put it on. Then he hooked his shield on his back. He grabbed the orb and was lifted into the air. Glowing lines covered him and exploded straight after. “You now have all the materials to save your world. The orb gave you magical powers. The hoodie - if you put the hood up you will become invisible. The shield is unbreakable and the arm can turn into anything,” said the tall man.

They were teleported back to my attic when Steve heard a knock on the door. He went to check. There was a doctor from the hospital who said, “your parents have went missing overnight.” When the doctor finished speaking, he saw a huge spaceship flying over the hospital and bringing up someone who looked like Steve’s parents. He ran towards it and realised it was his parents. Steve’s arm turned into a grappling hook. He shot it at the spaceship and it pulled himself up. When he got to the top, he shot a fireball at the spaceship. It blasted a hole in the side and he jumped through it straight away.

As he came through the hole, he saw many aliens around. He started to shoot fireballs at them. When they were all gone he went to find the engine. He walked past a cell with his parents bodies just lying there. He instantly knew where the engine room was.

He went to the engine room. When he got there he heard footsteps, he put the hood on and he turned invisible. When the aliens passed, he took the hood off and planted a bomb that the tall man gave him. He set the time for thirty seconds.

He ran out and grabbed his parents. He dropped them out of the spaceship and shot out some jelly for them to land on. By the time he did that, the spaceship was about to explode.

BOOM! He was knocked out and he landed on his shield. Slime went everywhere. The slime healed his parents and all the injured.

Steve woke up in the hospital with the mayor and his parents. When he got out of hospital he went home and had a party and was awarded a bravery medal for saving the town. He had a statue built in his honour in the middle of town.