Mackenzie B

Chapter 1: The Portal to the Mysterious Land

“Charlie! Hurry up and get ready, we'll be late otherwise,” screamed Charlie’s mum. Charlie was the future king of England and lived in a giant castle. He had blonde hair and was average height for a 11 year old. Charlie quickly got dressed in a fancy suit with a bow tie. He could hear the loud thumping of his family's loud footsteps on top of him. Charlie’s room was the lowest room besides the basement in the castle.

After he got ready, he ran to the balcony. Once he got there he looked over the edge and saw hundreds to thousands of people in the courtyard taking photos of them like they were trying to stalk the family. Charlie felt a stamp on his toe.

“Hey, what was that for?” whispered Charlie.

“Smile,” his dad replied trying not to make it obvious that he was saying anything.

But over on the other side of the road he saw three boys riding their bikes. Charlie wished he could ride bikes and kick a ball with friends instead of travelling and getting photos taken of them.

After a whole hour of taking photos and his family talking, he was relieved that everything was done. He then went back to his room and took off the hot and itchy suit he was in. He went to open his brown antique wardrobe. He saw something very unusual, a purple bright LED light in the center of the wardrobe where the crack was. Before he opened the wardrobe, he called the house servant, Bendor. Bendor was a robot who was a servant. Bendor was Charlie's best friend in the royal family because he would be the only one who would kick a ball with him if he was ever bored.

“Bendor you have changed since I saw you two weeks ago when you got serviced,” Charlie said.

“Well I got upgraded to have legs instead of tracks because the tracks scratched the floor too much, so I was upgraded with legs instead. So instead of calling me a robot, call me a cyborg.” replied Bendor.

“In every movie I have seen that have cyborgs, they have guns,” said Charlie.

“Ah, I see. Well I also got equipped with cannons, see.” Out of Bendor’s arm came two cannons on either side. Charlie looked in amazement at the cannons on Bendor’s arm. “What did you want me here for?“ asked Bendor.

“Look.” Charlie flung open the wardrobe and showed Bendor the purple portal. Charlie was also looking at it in amazement just like Bendor because he had never seen it before.

“Are we going in it” asked Charlie.

“Do you want to go in? I mean you always wanted to go on some sort of adventure instead of staying here and getting your picture taken, am I right?” said Bendor. And without any warning Push! In went Bendor followed by Charlie .

Going through the portal was like an illusion. There were black swirls, purple red and every colour of the rainbow.

“Where are we?” said Charlie still wobbling around from the teleport ride.

Chapter 2: Terra-Bicular!

There were giant mountains and the smell of flowers inhaled into my lungs. I heard the birds chirping and the faded whistle in the air. On top of the mountains was a gigantic plain white castle, but you could barely look because it was so bright. There was something else on the castle. In the centre of the gigantic building was an orange gemstone that was huge and nearly took up the whole castle.

Charlie and Bendor decided to walk to the castle to try get help on how to get home.

“How long do you think the walk will be?” said Charlie with a long sigh.

“It will be about an 8k walk I think,” Bendor replied.

For the first 2 kilometers it was fine. It was all peaceful, they saw a few deers and a few odd looking animals that cannot be explained. Until they got to the a bridge. It was an old bridge with planks missing, the rope to hold up the bridge was about to snap. Charlie was shaking like he was in Antarctica with just a t-shirt and short pants on, but he was pretty hot because at the bottom of the bridge was boiling hot lava that was bright orange like the sun.

Bendor went first. As he took a step the bridge started creaking and wobbling. Then Charlie stepped behind Bendor still shaking in fear. Every time Charlie took a step a plank fell off. And it was like that until they finally reached the end and they quickly jumped and landed on the other side. Then the bridge randomly fell down and burned away in the lava.

“I hope there are no more obstacles that nearly kill us between here and that castle.”

They kept on walking towards the castle. Charlie and Bendor saw deers and other beautiful and harmless creatures. But then the wind felt 10x stronger. At the edge of Charlie's eye, he saw a gigantic shadow on the ground. It had a long wingspan and a skinny but ever lasting tail at the back side. Charlie looked up and saw a...

”Dragon!” Charlie shouted. Bendor looked up as well and looked at the beast in amazement. Charlie grabbed Bendor’s hand like he was trying to constrict his hand like a python. They ran and ran but the dragon was too fast and eventually the dragon landed in front of Charlie and Bendor. They tried to run the other way but the dragon wrapped its whole body around the two of them.

“We're going to die,” said Bendor. What they did not know was that the dragon was friendly and wanted to take Charlie and Bendor to the castle. Then they heard a sound of someone talking.

“Hop on my wing and climb on my back,” said the voice.

“Who said that?” Charlie said back.

“Me, the dragon,” said the voice. Charlie and Bendor looked at the dragon, they were confused.

“Where will you take us?” asked Bendor.

“To the castle,” said the dragon and in less then a click, Charlie and Bendor got on the back of the dragon and off they went. High in the sky they went through the clouds and before they knew it they were in front of 2 gigantic pure white gates with orange lions engraved in it.

Chapter: 3 The Terra-clan

There was a door with a bright gold knob in the middle of the gates. Charlie knocked with all his might on the door with the knob. The door magically opened. Charlie and Bendor were amazed with what they saw. There were people everywhere. There were houses and little stands selling food like apples and bananas and swords and cloth for clothes. Then all of a sudden two men cropped up like they weren't even there. They were dressed up like ninjas. The two men put sacks over Charlie’s and Bendor’s head but there were little holes in the sacks so they could breathe ‍but not big enough so they could see.

“Put us down!” Charlie screamed. One of the men replied,

“We're not gonna put you down, we are taking you to the king, so shut your mouth little boy,” with a deep voice.

Finally, they stopped and the sacks got taken off their heads. They were in a huge room with long sticks with fire on the walls all around them. The walls were too dark to see what was on the walls. A man then walked in.

“So, so, so, sorry about the kidnapping type thing, they were meant to just say come to see me, Zen. Oh by the way my name is Zen, the grand master of The Terra-Clan.

“Well I'm Charlie and this is my cyborg Bendor, we saw a portal in my room and hopped in and landed here.”

“I sent that to you because we are going to send you on a quest to get an orb to save our land, from the goblins,” said Zen. Then the two men who tried to kidnap them, took Charlie and Bendor out side. The dragon that took them to the castle was waiting outside for them.

“Wait,” one of the men shouted. He ran to Charlie and gave him a sword. It had a gold handle grip with a small ruby in the centre and the blade of the sword was titanium, but Charlie could hold it.

Off they went on the dragon's back and they waved to the village like they were saying good bye. They went high in the sky and above the clouds. It was like a ride to heaven.

“It’s so beautiful,” said Charlie.

“Yes it is,” Bendor replied. The dragon started to lower down towards the ground until it landed outside a dark cave. They could hear very scary noises, it was like there were monsters in the cave but Charlie's dad always said there was no such thing as monsters.

Chapter 4 The Dark Cave

Charlie and Bendor started to walk into the cave. It was light when they walked in because of the sun light. They walked into a lot of cobwebs and stepped on a lot of sticks and other creepy stuff. Charlie got a lot of shivers down his spine. Then they came to two door ways.

“Which way should we go?” said Bendor.

“The left one,” said Charlie. They went through the left one. It got very dark all the sudden. Bendor then turned on lights that came out of his eyes like headlights. They could see everything now.

“Argh, there are skulls!” screamed Charlie. They moved on until they got to a corner.

“Hold up Charlie, there is a light down there,” Bendor whispered. He looked a little closer and saw a green finger holding a torch with fire on it. Charlie had a look and saw a goblin.

“This is what Zen was talking about, the goblins,” Charlie said quietly. As Charlie stepped back he landed on a stick.Crack! The goblin heard. He then blow a horn. Badoo.

Chapter 5: The Attack of the Goblins

20 goblins came with knives and flaming torches. “Argh!” They came charging at Bendor and Charlie.

“Bendor, what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know.” Charlie drew his sword and Bendor got out his cannons. There were guns firing from Bendor’s cannons and Charlie and the goblins had their swords clashing. One after the other goblins were dying. They eventually killed all 20 goblins, they could hear footsteps on top of them.

“What’s that sound?” said Bendor. Out of nowhere came a goblin but he was wearing a crown on top of his head and had a long red ripped up cape going down past his legs dragging behind him.

“Who are you?” Asked Charlie

“I’m the grand Goblin King, I’m going to kill you,” he replied.

“No you’re, not you look to weak to throw a pebble,” Charlie said while giggling.

Charlie threw his sword into the goblin king's heart and killed him instantly.

“Well, that was pretty easy,” said Charlie. They walked up to the the goblin king and saw a necklace around his neck with a key on the end of it.

“I wonder what the key is for,” Bendor said. He ripped it off and saw a door behind him. It said the orb to the universe. Charlie's eyes sparkled with joy.

“Is this the one Zen was talking about?” Bendor said while Charlie was still having his moment. He shoved the key and a twisted it. The door opened and in there was the orb floating over a little pillar. Bendor went up to it.

“I'll get it in case you die or something like that.” He put his robotic hands on it looking away and closing his eyes, he then pulled it off. “That was easier than I thought!” said Bendor in relief. He put it in a little store room where he kept all his valuable items. They went out of the room and closed the door behind them. Then they encountered a goblin, Charlie drew his sword.

“Don't kill me,” he said, “I just want to thank you so much for killing that terrible leader.”

“It's all right,”said Charlie like he was getting all the fame. Bendor rolled his eyes because he did most of the work. And they continued on until they found the end of the cave. The dragon that took them to the cave was waiting outside.

“Yeah we all saved thanks to you two, you got the orb, right?”

“Yeah yeah we have it,” Bendor said. They climbed on top of the dragon's back and they flew off. High in the sky they went, past the clouds. They got to the castle and everyone was cheering and clapping their hands. They landed by the wooden stage where Zen was.

“Thank you, so much for getting the orb, wait you have the orb right?” Zen said.

“Yeah we have it,” Bendor said reaching into his storage stomach and out came the orb. The earth starred to shake like an (Earthquake)! But Zen quickly put the orb on a pillar the same one that was in the room in the cave. Once Zen put the orb on the pillar the earthquake suddenly stopped and then all the cheering started. Zen summoned a portal the same purple one in Charlie's room.

Chapter 6:The Return

Charlie and Bendor were waving goodbye to the people of the Terra-Clan as they went through the portal. The ride home was no more pleasant as the first one. It was like a roller coaster. They got flung around everywhere from back to forth and left to right.

They landed in what looked to be Charlie’s room.

“How do we know this is the right place Bendor?” Charlie said.

CHARLIE! Get ready into your best suit and be on the balcony in 5,” screamed Charlie’s mum.

“Yep this is definitely the right place,” said Charlie. “And now the getting your photo taken hell is back,” Charlie wasn’t too happy about that but he was glad to be back home.

Now, if you ever find Terra-Bicular and go to the grand castle of the Terra-Clan beware that you may get kidnapped and get sent on a quest, just to save the land from who knows what. If you find a portal in your wardrobe always think twice about going in it.


Come and join Charlie and his cyborg Bendor on an adventure to a magical land called Terra-Bicula. The master, Zen, then sends the two of them on a dangerous life-threatening journey to retrieve an orb to save the land from the goblins. Will Charlie and Bendor survive the journey to get the orb or will they die?

‘I love this story, it has a lot of twist and turns and a lot of thrills.’

Jimmy Bobalina (Daily Telegraph)