Sebastian P

This is the End

By Sebastian Pidcock

Chapter 1

Vroom! A car zoomed past Snooby as he dodged the people in his way. Snooby glanced up at the huge skyscrapers that stood behind him. Snooby thought what it would be like to work there but he never thought he would have a chance to do that. He ran through the park leaping over the plants like they were hurdles. Then he took a leap when he saw a man in the way. He just dodged him and then he tumbled on the grass in pain. Snooby got up when he remembered he had to make a call to say he was late for the first time. Afterwards he spun around and quickly jogged to the phone booth at the other end of the park. Then Snooby picked up the phone as he typed in his boss’s number and waited.

Beep! Beep! The phone started beeping as he waited there. He couldn’t hear anything except the beeping until a loud glitch echoed through his head. A screaming voice came out of the phone and scared him like he was at a rock concert and sitting in front of the speaker. “What do you want Snooby?” he screamed.

“I’m just late today Michele,” he replied in a shaken voice.

Michele hung up on Snooby leading to Snooby slamming the phone down in anger. He then pounded his fist on the door in aggression. Afterwards he looked through the glass window and observed everybody staring at him in a confused manner. He felt a shiver go down his spine.

Chapter 2

Snooby started to feel embarrassed about what he had just done because he was never irresponsible. Snooby spun around and reached for the door in aggression. Snooby tried to open the old glass door but it would not budge. Snooby hammered his fist on the door when suddenly he felt his feet getting covered by something. A cloud of smoke surrounded him now as he started coughing uncontrollably. He glimpsed down at his feet to notice sand rising up and drowning his giant brown boots. He could not control anything now as he collapsed on the miniature hill of sand below him. Everything was dark grey as Snooby’s nose started to bleed and his head ached. Young Snooby just curled up into a ball and begged for help. He was not used to this type of problem before looking out the glass door to see a hurricane swooping around him at about 100km an hour. Lightning bolts and thunder start to happen everywhere. Snooby’s heart beat went crazy as his eyes went blurry and then blank. Just before he was about to give up he hit the handle of the door. Red blood is everywhere when he stops and gives up.

Then he squeezed his eyes as hard as he could and fell into a deep sleep.

POW! A puff of colour flies into the dark black night sky as the little white stars shimmer lighting up the beautiful night sky. Snooby wakes up to find himself in the phone booth he was in before. He got up and stepped out of the booth. His big brown boots stomped on the tiny crisp maple leafs. He looked around and saw a new tree in front of him. Snoopy stared into the sky to find beautiful colors flying everywhere. His friends are over in a huge gray building that has an arched door at the back. Snoopy stops and slides back to look at the sign again. 2111! the sign said in big bold blooming letters. Snoopy stands there in amazement as he suddenly collapsed onto the hard concrete floor.

“What should we do with him? a deep voice said.

Snoopy tries to lean up but gets slammed down by a wide steel chain wrapped around his hands He looks around and times and self-lock in a cave like cell with a rock roof. He turns around and saw a scared woman much like his mother.

“What’s your name?” Snoopy asks.

“Sophia. I got taken by Snok, that beast over there.”

Snooby heard the name and realized it is his mom from the future. But how can he trust that sign. Now Snoopy has to forgot about it and concentrate on how to get out of this place. Snoopy looks around and start thinking how to escape. H notices a glass cupboard with a label on the brown cloth and it says flying cake. He now knows how to get out.

Chapter 3

Snooby saw a huge machine at the other end of the room. What is that machine? Snooby wondered to himself. He remembered rumors saying that it could destroy the universe but it needed to have 200 grams of some green thing to work.

Snooby looked around before making his move that he knew was risky and he wanted to time it right. A man in silver armor came over and swung the steal door open. Bang! The steel door smashed into the bars, followed by a rattle from the golden lock attached. He grabbed the lady’s arms and tossed her out. She fights against him begging not to die but he is just too strong. He slams her head down onto a metal table and another guy raises a razor sharp axe ready to execute. Shinning red blood dripped from the axe as Snooby slams his fists against the door. He just wished they didn’t close the door when they took her.

The door flies open just before she is about to die. Snooby dives forward and smashes into the guy holding the axe. Snooby’ s arms because numb because the guy had metal armor surrounding his thin body. Snooby sprung back up and rescued the lady. He had never seen someone so close to death. They both quickly ran for the crystal clear glass window ahead of them.

Suddenly a spear pierced his leg as he toppled to the ground, smashing into a glass cupboard on his way. Little glass triangles shattered everywhere. Snooby kicked them away and ripped the sharpened spear out of his leg as a trail of blood followed him. He limped over to the window and the woman followed Snooby regretted doing it but he jumped out of the window. He knew there was a lake there because of the reflection of the machine. But it was a risk, he didn’t know how deep it was.

A terrifying scream escaped his dry mouth as he flipped around in the sky before splashing into the lake. His lungs burnt as he reached up for air forgetting about the woman. He knew it was his mum but he didn’t have a strong relationship with his mum. He got shoved thrown around dramatically before hitting a huge grey rock with a log hanging from the side.

Chapter 4

Snooby crawled up the rough rocks and felt a hand grip his leg. His purple veins tightened as he looked down to find the woman crying and whimpering as she pulled herself up the rock. He struggled to get her up due to the slippery green moss smothered over the rock faces. They both crawled along a thick brown log next to the rocks before reaching land. The police zoomed past trying to find them and they just quickly ran behind a bush.

“Who are you?” the woman questioned.

“I am your son from the past,” Snooby replied regrettably. “I time travelled uncontrollably in a bright red telephone booth, although I was conscious at the time. I just want to get home and see my actual family before it is too late.”

“We have to find shelter before dark,” she whispered as another guard walked by.

Snooby agreed so they started to walk up a steep mountain trying to forget the pain aching through their bodies. They reached halfway up the mountain before it turned pitch black. Snooby limped over to a cave as the powerful raindrops slapped his back. He dropped onto a pile of dirt in relief. An army of ants came charging out but he didn’t notice as he closed his eyes and rested.

“Stay here for the night. It will hide us for now,” Snooby said.

“Are there going to be any b… b… bears here?” the woman said in a frightened voice.

“No bears here, only me,” a spooky unfamiliar voice boomed through the cave as Snooby stared into the cave. But as soon as he did a white shinning beam shot through the dark night sky.

Chapter 5

A man in dirty white cloth walked out from the dark and as he stomps, puffs of dust fly up into the air. Snooby jumps onto his feet and backs away keeping an eye on him.

“Who are you?” Snooby asked as he pushed the woman behind him.

“I am Tanki, an ancient Japanese warrior. There are only four of us left and we live in this cave.”

The cave started to shake as rocks tumbled down the hill and began to disintegrate. They all stumbled to the ground. Straight away young Snooby knew what it was. “It’s an earthquake,” Snooby screamed as another white beam larger than before shot into the sky. They still had a little bit of light left from the sunset but it was still hard to see what was going on. Suddenly Snooby blacked out again.

Bang! Snooby suddenly woke up.

“Help, help!” the girl screamed in anger.

“Get your hands off her” Snooby shouted but his legs did freeze as he glanced up into the sky and saw black things flying around. They were dragons covered with golden sparkles and each one had different colored crystals on its tail. He was amazed but he knew they were deadly.

“My name is Jeremy. I try to save people” the man in the white cloth said. Get here now kid. We are being attacked.”

Snooby got up when a gigantic dragon came diving down and stooed just before the cave. They all got on top of the black dragon’s back since it was tamed and they flew away.

As they fly Snooby gripped onto a spike. His hands burnt and they started to bleed. The jagged edge sliced through his delicate skin as if it was a saw. Suddenly Jeremy threw his white cloth around their heads and pushed them off. As they fell Snooby concentrated on the nice warm cloth on him due to him being freezing cold. A cape swooshed in at them to stop them falling. Snooby looked up curiously expecting to find Jeremy but no, he saw a red cape pulling him up from the ground.

Jeremy suddenly appeared on the ground as they quickly but carefully got lowered to the ground. They all jumped off the bridge they were on. A troop of police started following them and began shooting but missed by far. One police officer hiding under the bridge quickly punched Jeremy unexpectedly but Jeremy grabbed his gun and shot him five times in the stomach.

“Take this stuff,” Jeremy said as he shoves a golden gun in Snooby’s hands and a blue tough bullet proof vest in his lap.

“No way. That’s disgusting, Snooby replies.

“Do you want me to leave you to die or not”, Jeremy screams aloud.

Chapter 6

Snooby stopped for a second thinking about what was right. He wanted to make sure it was the best thing because he had spent his last 23 years of his life living poorly. He didn't want to be who he was before. Without another thought he took it and put it on as his hands wobbled around.

“Come on, we need to find my brother” Snooby said.

As they both stepped forward a gigantic crack busted through the concrete on the ground. They fell back dramatically as Snooby shuffled back towards a pole. He swung his arm backwards, gripping onto a motorbike. But this is no ordinary motorbike. It had an unlimited fuel tank and it was faster than Usain Bolt. It was a hover bike from the future. Snooby loved his bikes so this outstanding. Snooby stood there in amazement as he sat on the comfortable bike seat. He changed the gears and felt exhilarated as he jerked forward. He threw his arm down picking Jeremy up. They’re both nodded to each other as they sped forward. They speed up a ramp made by a piece of road from the crack. They both fly into the air and Snooby slams a red button. Wings pop out of the side of the bike as they dart forward, flying through the sky.

“Go back to the mountain where we were previously at,” Jeremy screamed over the loud rumbling engine as a powerful gust of wind slammed into them. Snooby loved the fresh air smell and view of the city until a cloud of smoke hit him. He looked down staring eye to eye with a purple dragon. It had a glowing bright red diamond on its forehead. A huge red and orange explosion of fire shot up at them.

Snoopy turned around and pressed green button as they shot forwards. Suddenly a dragon appeared in front of them. They both tried to jump out of the way but it was too late because the dragon had got them.

They smashed into the dragon as a shimmer of light bounced of the bike and into Snooby’s eyes. They were all spinning down through the cold air. They both slammed into the lake right next to the shining beam still projecting light into the sky. Snooby couldn’t give up. He gripped a long weed on the side as he climbed up onto the roots of a mangrove. He looked through the bubbles in the water trying to find Jeremy but there was shadows everywhere.

Snooby ran over to the door and smashed it open with his big brown boots. He quickly sprints around the thick red brick wall. He grabbed onto a black rope as he pulled himself up onto a ledge outside a window with the machine on the other side.

Chapter 7

Secretly Snooby got in and hid behind the shattered glass cupboard waiting until he had the chance. Suddenly Jeremy appeared behind him grabbing onto his shoulder.

“Look outside, the world is disappearing,” he whispers to Snooby.

Snooby looked behind and out of the window and saw everything flying up to the sky. He looked back at the machine and then ran over to it. He hid behind it when a lever suddenly hooked onto his pocket. He tore it off as a blue ring flew out of the machine. Snooby picked it up as a green explosion burst through his body, pushing him to the other side of the room. Guards come sprinting in and grabbed him but Snooby ducked down as Jeremy punched them in the face. Snooby looked at the machine and found a huge green electric bubble surrounding it. Now hundreds of guards are there. Jeremy stops as many as possible. Snooby sprinted to the machine as he got stuck by the green electricity. He reached for the lever hoping it will work but he was too far away.

He grabbed onto a piece of rope that Jeremy had thrown and Snooby pulled himself out. A guard swung his powerful fist at him but Snooby ducks. The guards all start to chase him so Snooby swung around a pole before kicking them all down. They all tumbled backwards like dominoes. Snooby sprinted to the machine. He slid under a guy’s gun as he trips over into the green stuff. But now he can reach the lever. He pulls it down as the machine shuts down but Snooby sits there dead. Jeremy took down one more guy before staring at Snooby lying on the ground. He sprinted over as he felt his heart beat stop. He glanced out the window to see the world back to normal.

“NOOOOO! Jeremy screams as Snooby dies in his lonely hands. He looks up as Snok runs for the window but Jeremy stabs him in the back as he falls out the window.

Epilogue: 20 Years Later

Jeremy ran up the stairs two at a time rushing to get to work. Now he was a senior citizen and had worked in the White House for more than seventeen years. He had gotten to the top when his boss said, “Why are you late again Jeremy?”

Jeremy ran past him not paying attention as he dropped onto his nice warm squishy chair. He turned his screen on as he screened his work agenda. It said that it was his turn to clean Mr. President’s office. So that’s what he started doing. He got there and looked out of the window and saw a thief running outside of the building. Jeremy knew it was not his job but he couldn’t let him get away so he ran out onto the balcony. He jumped off doing flips for the crowd before chasing the guy out of the gate. Jeremy slid over a car on the road before getting in front of him. He tackled the guy to the ground. Jeremy grabbed the bag. Not long after the police were there arresting him as Jeremy jogged over to a bright red phone booth and rang the President. But when he opened the door a screech happened. He saw a huge silver scratch on the side of the booth and that reminded him of Snooby. He couldn’t forget Snooby due to him saving the world. They weren’t together that long but Jeremy was proud of him and was thankful he had helped him. Jeremy ran back across the park and into the White House which had replaced that ugly castle. Jeremy got to the gate and saw a ghost like figure in the middle of the road. He thought it was Snooby but not long after it was hit by a truck and disappeared.