Jude D


Samuel Boris is your average young primary school student who wants to get good at school work but fails every time. His best friend Mary Howe is great at school and likes to exercise but she can’t run a 5 km run. So she’s good at one thing but can’t do another thing. Every Monday to Thursday, Samuel and Mary walk to school together and every Friday, they take the bus to school. This is the same when they are going home. The main reason Samuel and Mary are friends is because they live next to each other that’s why they walk to school and take the bus to school together). Samuel and Mary are also in the same class together (so they go to school together and they are in the same class!) They are true friends. But on a Tuesday they will go on a ride of their lifetime (not exactly a lifetime, just a day at school. So why don’t we join Samuel and Mary for this day.

Chapter 1: The Boulder of Power

Samuel Boris and Mary Howe are about to walk to school together. They say good bye to their parents and start walking. They meet between their houses and start to walk and chat. The two can feel the strong wind against their faces. As they get halfway to school, a boulder falls from the clifftop and lands directly on Samuel. Mary rushes over to the boulder and tries to lift it. Suddenly, just like the wind had blown it off, (which it didn’t) the boulder floats off Samuel. Mary became amazed and Samuel is in a pose that looks like he is holding up the boulder. When Samuel gets up, he attempts to tell Mary something but suddenly, the same boulder squashes her. And wouldn’t you know it, Mary lifts the boulder, then Samuel tells this to Mary, I think we might have telepathic powers.”

Mary replies with, “Cool, but we still need to go to school.”

“Your right, we need to keep these powers a secret.”

Mary moves the boulder so they can’t get crushed again and continue walking to school. While they were walking to school, they started to panic because if the class finds out, they would be tortured and that would be terrible. But if the two could keep their powers a secret, the class would never know that they have telepathic powers, so they wouldn’t be tortured. “If only that boulder didn’t hit me” Samuel was saying before he gets interrupted by Mary, who stated “And me!”

Samuel continued “We would be fine but we are not fine.”

The kids in Samuel and Mary’s class are very picky. If something random happens, the class go wild for it. So if the class found out about their telepathic powers that Samuel and Mary have, the class will abuse the powers for random things like getting a pencil or putting somebody at the top of the slide. So this class is like a class that gets excited about a pencil falling.

The two are quiet ones in the class and hardly talk in class (this just tells us that they are quiet in class). They are still walking to school and they are seeing all kinds of things. A school bus passes them and the kids on the bus are yelling and throwing things everywhere. Samuel and Mary know that today is going to be hard.

Chapter 2: The Surprise Excursion

The two arrive at school unexcited and bored. The school they go to has horrible teachers and the word school is spelt wrong (they spell the word school, skool, how do you get that wrong?). The science teacher can’t even do real science topics, she just tells the class to mess with the molecules and the math teacher doesn’t know what 2+2 is.

Samuel and Mary get to class and wait for the teacher to arrive. The teacher arrives with her broken shoes, dirty dress and her ‘straight hair’. She tells the class that she has a surprise (also her name is Ms Er). The surprise was that the class was going on an excursion to the zoo.

The class runs out with excitement and Samuel smashes his face against the wall and Mary goes “Uhhs.” Every time the class goes on an excursion, all they do is look at something, go back to school and write about what you saw (fun writing, wrong!). Ms Er tells the class that they are going to see the mysterious meowing elephant.

The class gets excited except Samuel and Mary. Samuel already has a pet elephant called Fluffy and Mary used to have a cat called Whippy but Fluffy ate him, so now Mary has a cat called Playful (R.I.P Whippy), so it isn’t interesting. The meowing elephant is apparently supposed to be a prehistoric creature according to Ms Er.

“How does an elephant be a prehistoric creature?” Samuel whispers to Mary.

“I don’t know think this teacher doesn’t know what a prehistoric creature is” Mary whispers back to Samuel.

Ms Er doesn’t know anything. She thinks dinosaurs aren’t prehistoric creatures. She forgets what she is teaching and most of all, she thinks recess and lunch are waste of learning time, so she doesn’t have board games for the kids to play. The only times she lets the kids play is when there is nothing to do and then she lets the kids play with one piece of Lego. The kids want to see the meowing elephant so badly for just being a ‘prehistoric creature’. The class wait for the bus to arrive and it does take a while. The bus finally arrives after recess and the class rush to get on the bus. Samuel and Mary quietly walk onto the bus and the bus is horribly loud.

Chapter 3: The Terrible Bus Ride

Samuel and Mary realize when they get on the bus that the bus has terrible music and that’s not the worst. The kids are swapping seats, having parties and no one is quiet. The two sit at the back of the bus which is surprisingly the quietest part. All of the loud kids are annoying and well it’s terrible. Not even a quarter to the zoo and the class is watching Samuel and Mary creepily so that’s horrifying. Samuel and Mary start getting extremely worried because no one is talking to them and are just looking at them.

“What’s going on?” Samuel asks Mary with worry.

“I don’t know. I think they are just looking at us to scare us” Mary replies back with worry.”

The bus ride just went from terrible to horrifying. Samuel and Mary ignored the other kids and continued talking to each other while most of the class were still watching them two. Lots of the terrible music was playing on the bus and they are some of the most annoying songs in all history (so bad that I’m not mentioning any of the songs).

The bus started getting loud again but some kids kept looking back at Samuel and Mary. The bus ride became normal again but this is still boring but the music gets drained out. Every time the bus stopped, the bus makes an annoying screeching sound and it was irritating. The telepathic powers Samuel and Mary have are making the day hard (the telepathic powers have hardly been mentioned since the boulder of power).

The bus does arrived at the zoo after a while and the class is yelling and screaming and all those things primary school students do. Samuel and Mary are not excited about going to the zoo and the bus doors take forever to open (only like 3 minutes). The class rush off the bus and wait for Ms Er to get off the bus. When Ms Er does get off the bus, she makes sure the class is all off the bus and that everyone is fine. She marks the roll and the class have their recess and sit down and talk. The class mostly talk about the bus ride and how excited they are to go to the zoo.

Chapter 4: The Zoo

The class get up from talking and follow Ms Er into the zoo. The class go to the area where the meowing elephant is at and can you guess what area it is? ( it was the grass area) and the class search for the meowing elephant.

The class does find the meowing elephant and Ms Er tells the class to examine the elephant and find things to write about it. The class all rush around the area and start finding things. Samuel and Mary just take notes, so it’s just normal things.

The zoo was boring and the two had the worst time. When the class is finished at the zoo, they get back on the bus and head back to school.

Epilogue: Home time

The class get back to school, they write about the meowing elephant and the day goes on as normal. Finally, the school bell rings and it is home time. Ms Er dismisses the class and all the kids run to their home spots. Samuel and Mary rush home to try to practice their powers.

Halfway home and they see the boulder that gave them their telepathic powers. A third of the way home and they can see their homes. When they get to their houses, they attempt to practice their powers. They try and they try but they don’t have their powers. Samuel and Mary open their windows and talk.

“Do you have your powers?” Samuel yells to Mary.

“No, I don’t have my powers. Do you have yours?” Mary yells back.

“No, I don’t” Samuel yells back.

So this ends the story of Samuel Boris and Mary Howe with their telepathic powers. The day was boring but they lived.