Harry W

Titanium Boy and Golden Girl

By Harry Wadland

Ring! The bell for school goes as Jack and Ruby sprinted into their classroom just in time. They had a normal day at school: English, Science, double Maths and PE. But half way through Science when Mr Malckom was talking about the gravitational pull that keeps on the ground, a bullet shot straight through the left window making it smash into a million pieces. The bullet went straight into the teacher’s chest and dug its vicious needle like point into the man’s muscly chest. The teacher tried to scream in agony but the unbearable pain sucked the words right out of his mouth. Blood trickled down the carpet staining it like red cherries drying as screaming children ran in a desperate attempt to escape the now horrifying room while Jake and Ruby where trying to keep Mr Malkom from losing his life. But it was too late as his face turned white as snow and his pulse stopped.

Anger ran straight through Jack and ruby's veins like water gushing from a tap. Two more gun shots let loose and Jack and Ruby could smell the gun powder mixed with blood. Jack and Ruby were now covered in the blood of Mr Malckom, are traumatized by what they have just witnessed.

“No” said Ruby, as she clenched her fists on the carpet. “I can't let another person die not again.”

When Jack and Ruby where toddlers their mum and dad where murdered by a gang called The Third Eye. Jack and Ruby sat there at the traumatizing scene until there were found by the police when the neighbors reported screaming and yelling from their house. They were sent to St Bridges' Orphanage and were adopted by Mr and Mrs Weatherway. They only found out on their 10th birthday. It’s been two years since that day and they've sort of forgotten about it.

Ruby's eyes begin to tear up and over flow with tears but when she turned around she sees Jack standing there in astonishment and mouth opened wider than a snake.

“What?” says Ruby.

Jack just points at Ruby so she looks down at her hands. Ruby can’t believe her eyes and her hands have turned into solid gold. So she looks up at Jack and his whole body has turned into titanium.

"Wow’ said Jack. “Is this a dream?

"No” said Ruby. This is defiantly not a dream.

Jack could still hear the children running and screaming franticly and the gun shots that are being fired.

Jack and ruby decided to cautiously crawl out of classroom. They both crawled under tables until they came to the exit of the Science room, but as they were going to leave the classroom, a man the size of a mountain stepped right in front of them. The man was the scariest thing that Jack and Ruby had ever seen. He was an enormously muscly and buff man. He also had a completely bald head with veins sticking right out his neck and was also was covered head to toe with very strange tattoos. One of his tattoos on his forehead looked very familiar to Jack and Ruby. Suddenly Jack immediately knew what that strange tattoo was. It was the symbol of The Third Eye, the gang that killed Jack and Ruby's mum and dad. The man had a weird expression on his face (I wouldn't blame him for he was looking at a boy completely made of titanium and a girl made of solid gold). The man quickly pulled out a gun but Jack ran up and covered his hand on the mussel of the gun just as the man pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang as the bullet went straight into Jack's hand and crunched flatter than a pancake. Jake closed his eyes ready to fall from the pain but there was not a single scratch or bruise, just nothing. The flat bullet dropped to the ground and made a noise like cling a ling a ding. The man looked startled and confused so he took punch at Jack's jaw. Argh! the man clenched his fist as he punched Jack. Now Jack sees an opening and he quickly aims a punch at the gigantic man's face. Jack swung as hard as he could into the man’s facial area. His fist went into the man’s face like a cushion and made a satisfying crunch as the man flew what it seemed like a mile away. The man crashed to the floor and was out cold. Jack and uby left the classroom and into the battlefield.

Their ears were ringing like crazy because of all the gunshots that are being blindly fired into the air. The air was covered in gun smoke and Jack and Ruby could see bodies of children lying on the floor covered in blood. Filled with anger and rage Jack and Ruby decided to split up to take down the gang down one by one. Ruby went to the carpark and Jack went the playground. There where ten gang members in the carpark where Ruby was standing. Ruby stealthily ran past 4 of the gang members in a plan to surprise the gang members but her plan was foiled when she stepped on a stick and made a loud crunching noise! The gang members turned around and started firing. Ruby quickly ducked under a car and covered her head while all ten men aimed at the car. All the windows on the car where immediately smashed and all sharp edges came crashing down on ruby. Ruby thought she was going to be cut a billion times but when the glass kissed ruby's golden skin it shattered into even more pieces. Ruby was amazed that she didn't even get hurt just like Jack. There where around one thousand bullet holes in the car that Ruby was hiding then Ruby had a brilliant idea. She thought that if Jack could punch a man the size of a mountain one hundred meters away then she could definitely lift up a car. 1 2 3 Ruby lifted the car over her head and threw it straight at all ten of the gang members and squished them like person squishing ten tiny ants.

Meanwhile Jack was on the playground lifting up and throwing gang members across the playground like they were pieces of scrunched up paper. After a good ten minutes of tossing around gang members like a sack of potatoes, Jack’s power began to drain fast and now it was harder to throw gang members, especially heavy ones. His rock hard skin became softer and softer and if he got shot, it would fall like a paintball. Jack had to end this and fast. So Jack used his last amount of energy to take down the last five gang members on the playground. Jack could barely even breath as he flopped to the playground floor. His skin turned back to normal and Jack could feel the power drain from his body. Meanwhile Ruby finished off all of the last gang members. Ruby breathed heavier than she ever had breathed before as her lungs filled up with air and went straight out of her mouth. Her skin turned back to normal and her power was drained like water in a bath tub. They reunited in the middle of the playground and the car park and Jack picked up one of the near past out gang members by his collar and pointed a fist at his face.

"Who sent you?" Jack said tightening the grip on the horrified man's collar.

"P, please don't hurt me. I'll tell you anything.

"Tell me who sent you" Jack said tightening his grip even more on the petrified man's collar.

"Our leader" said the man now sweating all over his body.

"Who is your leader?" said Jack.

"No one knows. No one really cares because whoever sees the leader will never return" said the man.

"Tell me where he lives" said Jack staring into the man's soul like a demon.

"Queensland" said the man. "He lives in Queensland. Now please let go" the man pleaded.

Jack let go of the gang member and the man let out a sigh of relive and said "You'll die before you even get halfway.”

With rage Ruby turned around and punched the man square in the face. The man was propelled backwards and slammed to the ground where he was knocked out cold. Jack and Ruby walled the school like as amazed witnesses were speechless when Jack and Ruby walked past them. They went to Mac Archies train station and purchased two return tickets to Queensland.

As the doors opened on the train a gust of mint fresh air slapped Jack and Ruby right across the face as they entered the train. Jack and Ruby were squished between two enormously large people that smelled like four day old hot dog water. They had long sweaty hair and looked like they had run a marathon. They also had thick cloudy glasses that covered their eyes like tinted glass. The train stopped at Circular Quay and the two enormously obese men stepped off the train and the damp sweaty stench left Jack and Ruby's noses and they were refilled by the smell of the minty fresh train. Two other men stepped onto the train straight after the bulky men left. Jack had a bad felling about the two men like the men were going to kidnap Jack and Ruby. They had tattoos all over them and would definitely stand out in a crowd. Suddenly fear ran down Jack and Ruby's spine as they saw the tattoo that all the gang members wore - the tattoo of The Third Eye.

"We have to get off the next stop" whispered Jack.

"Ok" whispered Ruby. It took about seventeen minutes to get to the next stop and when the doors opened Jack and Ruby sprinted out of the train and looked back. The two men left the train and started walking behind Jack and Ruby. They started to go into a slow jog and so did the two men. They couldn't fight the two because they used up all the power fighting the whole entire gang of The Third Eye. Even if they tried to turn back they probably would only last a few minutes and judging by the size of the men it would take them ten minutes to take the pair down.

They were jogging for two minutes until they saw a crowd of people and Jack came up with an idea. Three, two, one, Jack and Ruby sprinted into the startled crowd and were zigzagging through the crowd until they felt a muscly hand grab the back of their collars and yanked them back out of the crowd and stuck a needle into the back of their necks. Jack and Ruby tried to cry in agony but the gang members smothered the cries with pieces of cloth. Jack and Ruby's vision began to blur and their energy began to leak and suddenly everything went black.

When Jack and Ruby's vision came back they woke up in a shady warehouse that haven't been used in years. Then they saw the two men that had kidnaped them from the train station. Everything was still a blur but after several minutes they started to see clearly and one of the gang members realised that so turned around and looked at Jack and Ruby. "Ah your awake" said the man just in time to. "When you were out we took you here in order to make you pay for what you have done to our fellow brothers" said the man." Now" said the man "we can do this the hard way where you will die a painful slow death involving you being tortured for a few days until you will die by blood lost and internal bleeding or you die a short death by being shot in the head.

A million thoughts were racing through Jack and Ruby's heads and they had to get out of there and fast. “Choose you runts” said the man. “You are wasting my time.”

Suddenly Ruby had an idea. "How long were we out for?" said Ruby.

"Seven hours" replied the man and we had to wait seven hours so you better make it fun.

If Jack and Ruby were knocked out for seven hours surely they have regained their powers and can fight again. Ruby didn't know if it would work but she had to try. "Jack" whispered Ruby. “We need to turn into our form now. Jack gave a slight nod of agreement. They waited for the two men to turn around and pick what weapon to use to torture Jack and Ruby with. Jack's skin turned titanium and Ruby's skin turned to gold and they could suddenly feel the power rush through their whole bodies. Jack and Ruby broke free and got up. The two men were startled and flabbergasted so one of them pulled out a knife and tried to stab Ruby on the shoulder, but when the dagger touched Ruby's golden skin, it crunched up like a tin can. The man took a step and punched Ruby square in the gut but the man made the same mistake as the previous man did to Jack where his hand folded and touched his arm. The man screamed like a baby and flopped to the ground and squeezed his as hard as he could. Then the man felt a hand grabbing his collar. It was Ruby and she yanked the man meters and he crashed into a pill of old boxes.

Meanwhile Jack was throwing wild punches at the other man who was dodging them like it was a piece of cake. Jack didn't even land a punch, not one. Jack must have thrown about fifty punches until he landed a punch on the man’s right side of his rib cage. The man was propelled sideways and tumbled over himself until he slammed his back onto the edge of the warehouse and was winded. Jack was amazed when he got up and started to walk towards him. The man covered his hand over his shattered rib cage and blood was dripping from his face when he stumbled over and scrapped his face on some broken glass that had been left there by teenagers. The man was getting closer and closer. Jack was ready to take down the man once and for all but as he was going to punch the man square in the face, the man pulled out a smoke bomb and rolled it to Jacks feet and it blew up. There was a massive cloud of smoke that covered Jack. His eyes were stinging like crazy as the smoke consumed his lungs. Jack started to cough like crazy as he covered his mouth and tried to escape the deathly cloud of smoke. He collapsed to the floor coughing like mad. By now Jack could barely even breath as he curled up in a small ball waiting for the cloud to float over but it didn't even move an inch. Soon the smoke bomb covered the whole entire shed and soon everyone was covered in the ghastly substance. Both Jack and Ruby were in a curled up ball covering their mouths and eyes. The two men walked up to Jack and Ruby and stopped right in front of the two and stared at them like dumb dogs as jack and ruby's skin started to soften up and their power began to leak away. The men started kicking wildly at the two's chests and stomachs they did this consistently until Ruby grabbed onto one the men’s ankles and swung him into the man who was kicking Jack, making them fall over each other. Then Jack saw a glimpse of what looked like a crowbar. Jack crawled over to the crowbar and grabbed the rusted crow bar and threw it one of the man’s face and made a smacking sound and followed by a crunching sound as the man swung his head back and fell backwards slamming his on the ground. The other man ran brainlessly at Jack and Ruby. It was all a blur but they still saw the gigantic figure running like mad. He aimed a punch at Ruby's face with all his might into that one blow but Ruby dodged the man’s punch like it was a piece of cake. Ruby grabbed the man’s wrist and punched the man’s lower jaw. The shearing force of Ruby's punch sent the man flying and crashed into a pile of cardboard boxes. The other man got up and faced Jack. His forehead was gushing out blood like a river and there was bruising all around the cut. The smoke was clearing up now and Jack and Ruby could see better now.

The other man got up from the now crushed card board boxes and covered his mouth because half of his teeth were knocked out by Ruby's punch and the other half crooked or straight. The man muttered a few swear words under his breath. The man could only see blurs because he slammed his head on a rock. He was swerving left and right and suddenly the man dropped dead on the floor and was knocked out cold. Meanwhile Jack was dodging the countless punches from the other man. His punches were slow but strong and you see he was trying his hardest just to stand up. Now Jack saw an opening so he winds up a punch and belts it at the man’s face sending the man stumbling over himself and making his face grinding against the gravel floor. Blood began to flood the floor around the man and he was out cold.

Jack and Ruby left the warehouse and entered the city where they caught the train to Queensland and arrived there at 7 o'clock. It took an hour to get to the destination. It was in the middle of the dessert and the only thing you could see is a small shady hut with red paint all over it. Jack and Ruby sneakily tip toed over to the miniature hut and punched a hole through the red door and pulled the door out of its socket and threw it at the man. The man was startled and quickly dodged the door and got up. The man pulled out a gun and started shooting at Jack and Ruby but it did nothing. The bullets were immediately deflected off Jack and Ruby's skin and descended to the ground and made a noise like marbles. The man started running away from Jack and Ruby so they started running to him. The man ran around ten minutes before he flopped on the ground gasping for air as Jack and Ruby caught up to the man and started to punch him vigorously in the man’s face and stomach. After they were done punching the man for what seemed like hours, they walked away from the man like he was a piece of garbage and left him for dead.

It’s been 7 years since that day and Jack and Ruby swore never to use their powers again.