Benji B

I’m An Elephant!

Chapter One: The Party

Ryan quickly put on his costume and started to sneak out of his ‘prison’. As he left the house Ryan muttered to himself,

“Out of here at last! Thank God!” He walked up the deadly quiet street to the sound of blaring music. Up until now Ryan had never been to a party. His life had been a loop, being asked to go to a party but his parents saying no. He hated them. He hated his very own parents more than anyone else hates their own. Every invitation he received there was a glimmer of hope. Always they say no. Every time they said no to a party it felt as if someone had taken a hot knife and stabbed him.

But today was different, he was a rebel. He was going to a party for the first time in his life. Just as he reached the front door the music stopped, the chatter stopped and the laughter stopped. Ryan started worrying about his Elephant onesie and whether it would be appropriate. After dwelling on it for awhile, he decided that it was absolutely awesome! He pressed the doorbell, it didn't work. So he tried the handle, it worked. The entrance revealed a swirl of green and yellow colours twisting and turning as if they were trying to escape. It was beautiful, the longer he waited the more agitated the colours seemed to become. It was an artwork. Ryan was so enchanted he hadn’t noticed that he was slowly but surely creeping towards the portal, until at last he was launched into the portal.

Chapter Two: Elephant Time!

Ryan popped out of the portal and fell over flat on his face. He tried to get up, he tried and he tried. He tried once more and managed to pull himself up. Ryan felt bigger and stronger and also why was his skin grey and he had a trunk. Then he made an unexpected discovery, HE WAS AN ELEPHANT! Ryan decided that Ryan was no name for an elephant. He racked his brain to think of an appropriate name for an elephant. Pellon, nup, Rellon, no, Mellon, nah that's a fruit! Fellon, Yes! A perfect name for an elephant!

Suddenly a gigantic bald eagle came hurtling out of the sky and heading towards Ryan-who-had-just-changed-his name-to-Fellon. Its enormous wings were making shock waves through the enchanted forest. Fellon started to run. He wanted to live, he ran through the forest as fast and as silently as he could with his bulky frame. But then he stopped. No more running, no more hiding he said to himself always go out there and KICK SOME BUTT! Fellon hopped out of his hiding spot ant CRUNCH! Fellon brought his whole body weight down on the Eagle.

Chapter Three: Reality?

That night Fellon had eagle for dinner. He thought that personally it was slightly chewy, but he would eat what he gets and he will not get upset. A storm started to swell above him. Black and grey clouds covered the sky like thousands of asteroids raining down, blocking all available sunlight. Lightning struck the land like a shovel digging mountains of soil. Fellon started to search for a place to bunk down. He had no such luck. He decided to sleep under a tree. As he drifted to sleep he wondered and wished if he could ever have a proper home and family who love him for who he is.

The next morning when Fellon woke, up he was wondering if the whole elephant thing was a dream. It wasn't. It was reality. Fellon set out to find some breakfast. After about fifteen minutes he found: four bananas, two coconuts, ten apples and three bunches of grapes. He had a feast. Later that morning, Fellon was crossing a stream when he accidentally bumped into a bear. The red eyed grizzly bear jumped out from the forest and started whacking Fellon with his claws. Fellon slipped over on the slimy rocks in surprise. He started to get up and fight furiously. Fellon fought long and hard. The bear swiped Fellon whacked with his trunk. After hours of fighting Fellon struck a dominating blow. He had won.

Chapter Four: Snake!

Days later, Fellon was still by the stream, just over ten kilometers away from the battle scene. He had been eating the corpse of the bear as he journeyed along the side of the stream, whilst also using it as a water source and a guide to civilisation. He travelled for days like that, every so often taking a break or having some water or a munch of the bear. He had been in the wild for over a week. He was running low on bear. He needed food desperately. Bananas apples pineapples any! Thankfully he found some quickly by the river. Later that afternoon, Fellon found a cave large enough for him to sleep in. After all, he was an elephant. He still had a thought of whether he could ever have a proper home and family who love him for who he is.

After a freezing cold night, Fellon felt stiff with pain and had aching joints. He journeyed on and found some delicious fruit as some breakfast. ‘What the...?’ Thought Fellon as an enormous snake slithered out of a dead bush.

‘Ha ha ha!’ hissed the snake. ‘I’ve got you now! My bear and eagle were weak! So I have to finish you myself!’

Suddenly the snake lashed out and whipped Fellon’s legs out from under him and started to cruelly beat him with its tail. Fellon got up and flung the snake through the air, where he became impaled on a coincidentally sharpened tree branch. As gruesome as it was, Fellon felt inclined to watch the snake fall to the ground dead.

Chapter Five: A Real Home…

Fellon turned from the stream later that day and continued on into the forest. For five days and nights he travelled. And at the end of it, there was fruit. Piles upon piles of fruit, and standing next to the fruit there was a man. A man who patted Fellon multiple times and kept muttering,

“Good boy, good boy,” and then he built Fellon a hut next to his house. He also let Fellon have the fruit. Later that night as Fellon fell asleep, he said to himself, “and finally I have found a proper home and family, no just one man who loves him for who I am.”


Ryan, a 13 year old boy, is on his way to a party. He opens the door and facing him is an extravagant swirl of blue and yellow. Then something extraordinary happens. Join him as he fights his way through the enchanted forest. What more could happen to a kid in one lifetime?

‘A brilliant introduction to fantasy writing for readers wanting to discover a new world.’

Sydney Morning Herald