Olivier M

The Seeker

By Olivier Maraldo

Chapter 1 Hesitant

It was a warm bright evening in Rose Wood and there were people were strolling around the extraordinary town. Harrison was walking around with his two girlfriends Hana and Rose. They went to a laundromat to go collect some of Hana’s clothes. Rose saw a mysterious lady wearing a scratch and ripped up shirt. The lady was at Hana’s washing machine stealing all of Hana’s clothes. Harrison, Hana and Rose ran after the lady but the lady was very athletic so Harrison, Rose and Hana quit running after the lady. Later on that night Harrison walked towards the door to get it for someone that rang the bell.

It was Alisa who was Hana’s friend and she said that she had found someone running with Hana’s clothes. Alisa tripped her over and took the clothes and urgently came here. Alisa said to Hana and Harrison that she thought Rose stole the clothes. Hana responded “No she didn’t, she was behind us the whole time in a green t-shirt and purple tracksuit pants.”

After they had the chat and ate a snack, Alisa left the house and Harrison mentioned what Alisa said to Hana and Harrison that Alisa said you had stolen Hana’s clothes.

All three of them disagreed on what Alisa had said to Harrison and Hana. The next morning the three of them heard the sound of a thrust hose splashing on the dewy lime green grass. Harrison didn’t ever pay for a gardener so he got changed into some casual clothes and went outside and said to the man “I didn’t pay for a gardener but thanks anyway.” The gardener got the thrusted hose and sprayed it on Harrison, making his body fall to the ground from the pressure of the hose. The man then walked through the door with the intention to hurt the two girls.

Harrison called the police despite being so tired and saw the police arrive within seconds since the town was miniature. The two officers arrived in blue and white clean suits and had shining silver pistols. An officer walked in and said “Do not hurt them.”

Harrison said “What are you doing? Just shoot him.”

The officer responded with “I’m trying to protect these two people.”

The man put his hands in the air and then put them behind his back. He pulled out a USP-S from out of the back of his pants. His long red shirt was hanging over the gun, therefore not showing anyone easily that he had a gun. He pointed the gun at the Hana’s head and said “If you shoot, I’ll shoot her.”

Harrison got up from the ground, grabbed a piece of shattered glass, got a tea towel and rapped the tea towel around the sharp dangerous glass and then jabbed the glass several brutal times into his eye ball. His eye popped out of place and his eye had a 1cm hole in his eye going in one way and going out the other. The officers didn’t shoot Harrison because he saved all their lives. The officers got the body and put it in the boot of his car and drove off to put the body in a bag to let scientists examine the body and see if he had anything of use that they could use for testing experiments.

Chapter 2 Seeker’s Danger

Harrison had fallen asleep two hours before Rose and Hana because he had been thrusted by a hose. He awoke from the dead hearing the sound of a truck starting up. Harrison made himself a long black to drink while he was getting ready for the day. He took yesterday as a weird day but only thought it was a robbery. He went outside in his robe and took a sip of his coffee. He then went back inside to get changed. He put a camo shirt on and light green long cargo pants. Harrison walked outside to go into his jeep that he had started up. He was going to Summer Side Military Base in PEI (short for Prince Edward Isle). After he got out of his jeep bnhe went to the airport and got a military cargo plane and flew to Summer Side Military Base in PEI.

When Harrison was taking off a soldier pulled out a gun on the other soldiers. Harrison got a parachute and jumped off the plane. As he jumped he heard shots coming from the plane. Next minute he saw a body getting thrown off the plane. The guys waved and said he’s dead. The men knew why he jumped as well. Harrison’s landing was perfect and he landed right next to his jeep. He took the parachute off and got into his car and drove away. Harrison arrived at his house and said hello to Hana and Rose.

They were all watching the news when Alissa came with a black shirt with a purple splash of paint on the logo fx. When they were watching the news it came up with a criminal Identity. The news showed a lady with a mask on who had a purple splash of paint on her logo on a black hoodie, black pants and a black balaclava. Alissa was wearing the hoodie with the logo with the purple splash of paint on it and the black pants. Alissa walked out of the house leaving the coffee’s on the bench that she had got for them.

The man opened the folder to the image and inspected the image. Then Rose asked him to open another image and inspect the splashes of purple paint on the logos of the hoodie. The splash on the hoodie logo was the exact same as the one on the criminal description. Rose did the right thing and called the head of the department of police and said “You need to arrest Alissa Violet for murder.” The officer questioned her on how she was the Seeker and Rose said “She has the exact same hoodie as the one on the criminal description.”

They went to her house and checked out the hoodie that had the purple splash and the Seeker’s DNA on it. They went to arrest her but after she opened the door she slipped out and ran to a apartment building and in the alleyway and jumped up onto a staircase leading to the roof of the apartment.

Harrison came back from the military training and had all his equipment on him including 3 guns and 10 grenades. Harrison saw the Seeker jump onto the stairs in a suspicious way so he took shots at the Seeker but she got onto the roof on time. The Seeker had sprinted towards the edge of the apartment and had jumped to the hospital roof and ran down towards the staircase going into the storage room. When the Seeker got into the store room she was badly injured and had a huge bullet skid going down her shin. She grabbed a to stop the bleeding.

Chapter 3 Relief

Harrison jumped up onto the stair case and ran up to the roof and saw the blood splat on the floor and on the other room. Harrison knew that the Seeker had jumped onto the hospital roof. Harrison ran down into the store room because he knew the Seeker would heal herself. When Harrison ran down the stairs into the storage room very carefully and checked all his corners. The Seeker could have a scalpel to stab Harrison right in the eye. Harrison then steadily walked out of the store room and then down the stairs he came across a shadow moving in the buzzing light. The shadow then disappeared and then Harrison shot 3 bullets into the roof to provide light to find the shadow again. Instead of seeing the shadow he saw 41 alive bodies and started talking to them. Harrison asked “Who do you work for?” They then said we all work for her. Harrison then said “You guys don’t have guns so I can kill you but I could tell you to come on my side and not help the Seeker.” They all agree and then they put their hands up and went onto the roof. After Harrison got all of them onto the roof he then shot the Seeker five times in the head. Dark red blood splat out and then Harrison dragged the body onto the roof and threw off the body onto the long tall rusted sharp bars. Harrison had no fear of these people because he knew that they were innocent but just got forced to do bad things. Harrison then said to the Seeker walkers “Go to your homes and if I ever come across you there will be 41 dead bodies to shoot at in the military shooting range.” Harrison then left and jolted down the stairs and then took a left to his car. He got in his car drove back and realised Rose unconscious and Hana missing.

Harrison saw that Hana was only out with her friends because when he got Rose up she said that she went out with her friend Sophie to go eat and buy some clothes. Rose said she fell unconscious because she had been running too much outside to exercise. Rose called Hana to come over and then Harrison went ate a sandwich with avocado, ham, salami, lettuce and tomato. After Harrison ate he gave Rose and Hana a hug and kiss and then went to bed for he was being awarded the Military Lieutenant 5 Grade which is the highest Military grade other than Sargent the next day.